What film did you watch last night?

Halloween kills - Rubbish, the only thing that was good about it was Myers killing all the stupid people who seemed to be trying their hardest to get killed by him

The Right Stuff - Decent film about the early days of the space race from the US perspective
Lamb 6.5/10
Woah, what did I just watch?? This is a seriously weird, creepy and trippy film. It's a very slow burn, but worth a watch if you like something that's a bit different.
Army of Thieves - 1/5

Nathalie Emmanuel is fantastic, the guy that plays Sebastian is pretty good, although his character is really annoying, and the story was passable. Everything else was garbage.

The humour failed, the characters all seemed completely out of place, the acting was woeful and it was just plain boring.
The Prodigy - dumb as hell/10

One of those unintentionally hilarious films; awful, but not fun awful. Just regular awful.

(It's not about the music group, it's a silly film about a murderous kid)
Zodiac - 8/10

Robert Downey Jr plays Robert Downey Jr (again). But then 1/2 way through he exits stage left and Iron Man is no longer the main focus of the story.

Which is actually intriguing and interesting, and based on a true story.

Much better than a lot of the crap that's been on TV, lately.
Last Night in Soho (2021) - 7/10

A ghost story with a great 60’s atmosphere throughout filled with great music that really brings the film together.

The story covers well-trodden ground, with a small girl trying to make it big in the big city and a portrayal of the seedier side of showbiz as well as the glitz and glamour.

The twists are good, although the ending sequence does go on for a bit too long.

The acting was good, but some characters felt unnecessary and overall, it could have been darker and more shocking.
The Raid - 6/10

Not as good as I remember it being.

'71 - 6.5/10

I watched it with the Mrs' Dad who is Northern Irish, so he was able to give some insight into what was going on at the time.
Don't Look Now (1973)

Never heard of this horror film, as its the weekend of ghosts and ghouls, thought I would give it a go (its on iPlayer).

Donald Sutherland, Julie Christie, its very Hitchcock, the film drew me in.

One thing that struck me, Sutherland was one for stunts, no safety nets, proper hardcore when you watch - Just witness the clambering up ladders... :eek:

The film kept me intrigued, wont say more as it spoils the film. 7/10

I did have to Wiki the ending as it flew over my head but now it twigs! The sex scene is OTT seems to fit with a trend for the time, Straw Dogs, Wicker Man.
Rock Horror Picture Show 7/10 - Just a great weird fun movie.

Little Shop of Horrors 8/10 - Again great fun and I do love a wacky musical.

Ghostbusters 9/10 - can always watch this over and over.
Dune pt1 8/10

Good enough for me and I've watched, read and played all the Dune IP.

Apex 1/10

Where actors go when they retire.

If Cage had played the part and the director had continued the tripping theme I'd have rated it higher
Army of Thieves - 1/5

Nathalie Emmanuel is fantastic, the guy that plays Sebastian is pretty good, although his character is really annoying, and the story was passable. Everything else was garbage.

The humour failed, the characters all seemed completely out of place, the acting was woeful and it was just plain boring.

Watching this atm - got 40mins in but was tired and falling asleep, will finish today.

I enjoyed the first one, zombies, action etc, so switch to a story about safe cracking is a little jarring! You are right about the guy who plays Sebastain, good actor, but the others? Very one dimensional, "I'm an international thief", **** off.

Hope it's better than a 1/5 :(
Zombieland: Double Tap

I loved the first film and so had high hopes for this one. It doesn't quite hit the same high notes, and it misses a few beats, but it generated plenty of laughs and didn't take itself too seriously.

A fun watch 7/10.
Army of Thieves - yeah it was a bit pants.

Dieter and Korina (to a degree) were the only decent ones in it - the rest of the case were pretty crap. Brad Cage and the Interpol cop especially.

And we're really expected to believe that he can crack safes using hearing alone? The best safes in the world? And in mere seconds?

Get out of town!!
I can't believe so many people are watching the new one after Army of The Dead was so bad.

Watched some horror films over the last few nights, getting harder to find good ones I haven't seen.

Saturday was:

The Void - Low budget, bit Lovecraftian 6/10
Autopsy of Jane Doe - Seen this before but still a great film, pretty much everything I love in a modern horror 9/10

Last night was:

Session 9 - hadn't heard of this, refreshing lack of jump scares just a good uneasy atmosphere. Not perfectly executed but good 7/10
The Ring - I've seen the original but for some reason never got round to watching the remake. Was surprisingly good, probably better than the original 8/10
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