Scream (2022) - 7/10
After the mess they made of Candyman, Halloween Kills, Childs Play reboots/sequels/requels over the last couple of years, I went into this tentatively.
I actually really enjoyed it, more visual gore and violence in opening 10 minutes than entirety of new Candyman, keeps the spirit of the original scream and some decent meta stuff, there are some silly moments but not a bad movie at all. A few kills are gloriously violent and sadistic and one kill in particular had some emotional weight behind it.
I had guessed the killer a few times but changed my mind as it throws a lot of red herrings out.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) - 4/10
These movies have never had the most plausible storylines but this one really pushes it, no one acts with an ounce of common sense and you sort of feel like they all deserve what's coming. At least in 2003 version, you were actually rooting for them to get out and survive. The kills are gratuitous and satisfying at least. Also you've got a 70+ year old running around with a heavy chainsaw and no one can take him down, even point blank with a shotgun, argh!!!