What film did you watch last night?

Stillwater , the blurb said it was a father going to Marseille to rescue his daughter from prison so was expecting a bit of Jason Bourne action , actually turned out to be a strange film and if i wasnt watching it with someone else would have probably turned it off after 1/2 hour.
Glad i watched it to the end , although it gets pretty dark and not really a happy ending 6/10.
The Covenant , totally the opposite of Stillwater , loads of action and actually showing the good side of the Afgans 7/10
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Stillwater , the blurb said it was a father going to Marseille to rescue his daughter from prison so was expecting a bit of Jason Bourne action , actually turned out to be a strange film and if i wasnt watching it with someone else would have probably turned it off after 1/2 hour.
Glad i watched it to the end , although it gets pretty dark and not really a happy ending 6/10.
The Covenant , totally the opposite of Stillwater , loads of action and actually showing the good side of the Afgans 7/10
Stillwater is like the Amanda Knox story
Wasn't intending to, but it turns out my other half has never seen Raiders of the Lost Ark!?!
Rectified now. I hadn't seen it in years either. My copy is on DVD so going to the 4K Dolby Vision version on Disney was very nice. Also good to see they've removed some of the effect tell tales from the film too.

Plus, got to see R2D2 and C3P0 nice and clearly. :D
Beau is Afraid

This is the third film from Ari Aster, having previously directed Hereditary and Midsommar.

TLDR: this film is ‘Brazil (1985)’ meets ‘Requiem for a Dream’ meets ‘Pink Floyd’s The Wall’ (!) - your mileage may vary!

I’ll keep this post spoiler free, but I went in completely blind (as I really rate his other two films)… so just general observations here.

First things first, I think this will be a very limited cinema release, so probably only days left to see it if you’re keen!

Secondly, this is definitely a ‘category 2 enjoyment’ sort of film. It’s very obtuse and has a 3 hour runtime. With the subject matter it’s dealing with, which is not ‘jolly’, you can definitely feel that length. With that in mind, by conventional ‘I saw a film and I enjoyed it’ standards, I think most people will dislike it and some will find it unbearably uncomfortable and anxiety inducing… and agonisingly long.

However, for the majority of the film in which it’s not being completely humourless, it’s incredibly funny. Imagine a pitch black comedy, then make it blacker and bleaker. Then make it 10x blacker and bleaker than that. Now you’re in the right territory! There was a lot of audible laughter in the cinema.

The film is very chaotic and surreal, but it’s pitching emotionally relatable material despite the totally insane events that unfold. When it hits, it hits hard. It’s also horrific and not for the easily disturbed.

When it’s obtuse and vague, particularly in the final act, it risks undermining itself. It’s definitely the most artsy and confusing of all of Ari’s films, by a country mile.

At points I thought it was a masterpiece, but when I left the cinema I wasn’t entirely sure what to think… having digested it slightly, there is a lot to think about and ponder - which I expect is entirely the point.

If you’re up for something ‘challenging’ and ‘an experience’ then it’s one to give a whirl. Thumbs up from me.


Edit: I just cannot stop thinking about this film. It’s a 10/10 from me in respect of “post film pondering” then I guess an 8/10 in respect of ‘sitting through it’, as it’s quite a lengthy and emotional burden.

Phwoar. Very impressive.
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Beverley Hills cop for the first time ever.

I've seen the second one loads but never the first, weirdly.

Very slow compared to modern day 'action' movies but pretty decent. Modern movies are the total opposite really, like Fast and Furious series which seems to have ridiculous action every few minutes. This starts with a truck action sequence and doesnt have another until the very end.

Cant believe Eddie Murphy was only 23 when that was released

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