What film did you watch last night?

Watched Jigsaw tonight. It wasn't bad! Wasn't great either but next to Saw 3D it looked like a flipping masterpiece. This one actually seemed to have actors in it and was a little less gore porn.
That surely means you've got Book of Saw next and Chris Rock with permanent 'who farted/I think I need a poo' face :D
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reptile...really good. Just in case anyone is put off by the title, there are no reptiles, it isn't an action/monster film, in fact I'm struggling as to why it was called that at all. It's a slow burning, slow paced, but really engaging film with Del toro as a police detective investigating a murder and the complications involved in who is intertwined with who in the crime.

So in terms of style and pace it reminds me of Mare of Eastown.

Benincio Del Toro is excellent as a softly spoken but extemely intense character.

One of those "recommended based on" things that netflix popped up, that I'd never heard off, and netflix was right to recommend it to me.
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gave this another go last night .... still think its pants. 3/10

As war films go I think it's pretty dire with that ensemble cast and great director, should have been way better. Just one of those I can't get on with for some reason.
Fair enough, different strokes and all.
Also watched Lone Survivor this week, way better imo an 8/10.
Agreed, Lone Survivor is a great movie, on a par with BHD for sure ;)
^I don’t mind a ‘maguffin hunt’, in principle. It’s a common plot vehicle for adventures and therefore unoriginal, but I’m more concerned with whether the journey is fun or not.

Definitely not aimed at you @IvanDobskey in saying this - it’s fair enough to not like that film for that reason! - but my wider perception is that real film buffs (true ‘connoisseurs’) and film makers have long known about the overuse of macguffins but simultaneously respect that audiences like it and that it generally ‘works’. Then in the age of social media and YouTube etc it’s been picked up in by the masses and is now deemed as something that’s ‘de facto’ sloppy and poor etc. I’m deffo not a ‘true film buff’, mind - I’ve only been aware of the term macguffin in the last few years.

I’m sort of reminded of how it’s now a popular view that ‘jump scares’ in horror films are somehow always ‘bad’. Whereas I think being startled is a staple and often very effective type of scare. It’s actually the ‘no consequence’ jump scares, and the ‘false scares’, that need to die… not jump scares in entirety.

Sorry just me doing some self-important waffling on a Saturday morning :o :p
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Sumotherhood (2023) - 4/10

A relatively messy film that isn’t particularly well made but is infectiously funny due to its outlandish characters and ‘urban gangsta’ parody style.

The ideas are a mix of weird and irrelevant, all of the characters are a bit kooky and as the stakes in the plot escalate, so does the silliness.

Tonally it’s a bit all over the place as it jumps from political commentary to absurd craziness and the action scenes were hard to follow, but the foolish pair of clowns are somewhat endearing and the celebrity cameos were a nice surprise.
Sumotherhood (2023) - 4/10

A relatively messy film that isn’t particularly well made but is infectiously funny due to its outlandish characters and ‘urban gangsta’ parody style.

The ideas are a mix of weird and irrelevant, all of the characters are a bit kooky and as the stakes in the plot escalate, so does the silliness.

Tonally it’s a bit all over the place as it jumps from political commentary to absurd craziness and the action scenes were hard to follow, but the foolish pair of clowns are somewhat endearing and the celebrity cameos were a nice surprise.

The Jeremy Corbyn cameo in the trailer was enough for me to avoid lol..
^I don’t mind a ‘maguffin hunt’, in principle. It’s a common plot vehicle for adventures and therefore unoriginal, but I’m more concerned with whether the journey is fun or not.

Definitely not aimed at you @IvanDobskey in saying this - it’s fair enough to not like that film for that reason! - but my wider perception is that real film buffs (true ‘connoisseurs’) and film makers have long known about the overuse of macguffins but simultaneously respect that audiences like it and that it generally ‘works’. Then in the age of social media and YouTube etc it’s been picked up in by the masses and is now deemed as something that’s ‘de facto’ sloppy and poor etc. I’m deffo not a ‘true film buff’, mind - I’ve only been aware of the term macguffin in the last few years.

I’m sort of reminded of how it’s now a popular view that ‘jump scares’ in horror films are somehow always ‘bad’. Whereas I think being startled is a staple and often very effective type of scare. It’s actually the ‘no consequence’ jump scares, and the ‘false scares’, that need to die… not jump scares in entirety.

Sorry just me doing some self-important waffling on a Saturday morning :o :p
Don't get me wrong, I did quite enjoy the film for what it was. Far too long though.
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