What film did you watch last night?

Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom (1984)

Seen this plenty of times as a kid, great movie. It didn't have quite the same appeal as it did say 30 years ago or whenever I last saw it. Also can't believe I didn't realise it was the same child actor who played Short Round and Data in The Goonies. Still by all accounts a great movie though.

Mission Impossible (1996)

My favourite of all the MI films. Good mix of everything really - action, suspense, mystery etc. More scenes with Jean Reno would have been nice as I thought his character was underutilized.

Brian De Palma and cinematographer Stephen Burum did this after Carlito's Way and it has a similar vibe in places. There's a few scenes in London where it's empty which I found amusing.

Was alright, some wtf "footage" but otherwise passable and just confusing at times.

Sound of Freedom
This was really good, strong drama and given recent events in the real world, satisfying seeing those guys get what's coming


Let that sink in.
Mission Impossible (1996)

My favourite of all the MI films. Good mix of everything really - action, suspense, mystery etc. More scenes with Jean Reno would have been nice as I thought his character was underutilized.

Brian De Palma and cinematographer Stephen Burum did this after Carlito's Way and it has a similar vibe in places. There's a few scenes in London where it's empty which I found amusing.


Yea spot on, that's an 8/10 movie all day long.
Was alright, some wtf "footage" but otherwise passable and just confusing at times.
1 and 2 were semi decent with some solid segments but the ones that came after (Viral, 94 and 95) were very low effort attempts - however, i'm a sucker for horror so will watch 85 of course.
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In Time (2011)

Couple of things I liked about this movie. They didn't try to explain or justify the premise. Second, I actually think Justin Timberlake is a half decent actor, and Cillian Murphy is good as well.

Otherwise it was reasonably average.

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) - 5/10

Somewhat entertaining and light-hearted fun but there’s too little action for a superhero movie.

The whole production feels a bit awkward and cheesy with cartoony villains and an overpowered hero who talks away her problems, resulting in few thrills or suspense.

The start is good with plenty of colour and visual spectacle, but the main plot /macguffin is lazy, the villains are eccentric yet boring and the ending is far too convenient and easily wrapped up.

The acting performances and special effects are good enough, but it could have been much better.
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