What film did you watch last night?

Round #2 today




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I'd genuinely stop after RotJ. I'd happily watch TPM but won't watch the sequels again. They ruin the previous films. What they did to Han in TFA just trashes his character and unsure his entire arc IMO...and that's the best of them.
Apart from the visuals of the main battles in TFA, I struggle to think of a single thing in them worth watching. Maybe Han's "oh, you're cold?!" and "That's not good the Force works". But, good grief, there's so much awful stuff.
I'll.let you know as, as far as I can remember, I haven't seen (all of) the last three films, certainly not even any of the three individually in one sitting.

Was the same with the prequels which is one of the reasons I decided to do this marathon session.

Just finished TFA and will see if I watch one or both the remaining two tomorrow :)
1922 - 7.5/10

This one has been on my list for far too long. Never read the original story but I thought this was really quite good, the small American style story that King is famous for. Thomas Jane was absolutely brilliant in it, I didn't know he had this in him.
Everything he's in is the same. He stands out like a mobile phone in a period drama. It's like he's just out of place, no matter what film I see him in.

I guess it's hard to explain why, but that's the feeling I have whenever I see Clive Owen in anything. He shouldn't be there; he's the odd one out, he doesn't fit.

Does that make even a shred of sense?
He was great in Inside Man and Shoot 'Em Up.
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The Convent (2000)

WTF did I just watch?

Easily one of the worst films I have ever seen. You sort of knew in the first five minutes it was going to be bad, but it just got worse and worse. Even if it was trying to parody of 80's slasher movies, it was still awful.

There absolutely nothing I can think of that was worthy of a single point

Iron Claw - 7.5 / 10

Tragic biography of an American wrestling family with a dysfunctional upbringing due to an overbearingly controlling father.

Wicked Little Letters - 7 / 10

Twee British comedy, again based on a true story, about a poison pen letter epidemic suffered by a small town in the 1920's, though not all saccharin as it does touch on heavier and darker topics.

Jessie Buckley as Rose, the foul mouthed irish neighbour, was the star of the film. I can imagine the completely reflective diversity (/s) portrayed of a 20's English town will trigger some people :D
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john wick 4 - 3/10 - boring and tedious and they are not even attempting to be believable. Some of the worst acting from Keanu i've seen in decades
Transformer rise of the beasts - 4/10 - meh. I liked bumblebee but this was a bit too crap.
Badland Hunters (2024) - 6/10

A mixed post-apocalyptic film with a setting inspired by Mad Max and a plot inspired by Resident Evil.

The story isn’t particularly good and drags a bit in the first half, but it picks up in the second half with plenty of fast, bloody and brutal action.

The setting looks good, the characters and their backstories are ok and the light humour fits in well, but it’s uneven with some plot points barely explored.
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