What film did you watch last night?

XXX: Return of blah blah 3/10

I don't know what possessed me to watch this really. I quite like Vin Diesel films and remember the original being a fun popcorn action film. This was just abysmal though despite a star-studded cast (some might say too many stars). The dialogue felt like it was crowd written by a gaggle of horny, rebellious 15 year olds. Even the setpieces weren't that good. The Fast and the Furious series look like Oscar material compared to this.

Also has one of the worst celebrity 'guest stars' in a ridiculously awkward scene at the start with Samuel L Jackson and Neymar.
Also watched Ministry Of Ungentlemanly Warfare, thought it was quite good, not the usual Guy Richie affair but then i doubt his style we have come accustomed to would work for a film set in the 1940's, i quite liked the edge the film was given. If your after a serious film on the subject then its probably not for you!
Im guessing the operation didn't go quite that far in the sense of a small group of people mowing down nazi after nazi akin to a game, but if the overarching story is any where near the truth then you've got to hand it to them! i'm now likely to spend the night reading more into it :D
Rebel Moon pts 1 & 2. Both films crammed full of cliche's tho the second had the edge some what, the choreography of some of the action sequences in the second part was down right laughable at times, i don't think they've done Snyder's career any favours thats for sure. i'll give them 5/10 & that's being generous.

I actually quite enjoyed this, would have moreso if I went in totally blind. Muscle dude made a laugh a few times. 6.5/10


Interesting set up, beautiful art, some great parkour scenes, but ending was meh and no questions were answered. 5/10
A Place Beyond the Pines (2012)

I have seen it before, but couldn't remember much at all. So much so that it was like watching it for the first time.

A well made and well acted film that starts off in way that doesn't end where you'd expect it to, almost a film two halves. It does meander a bit, is maybe a touch too long and there's no big emotional pay off for your time spent with the characters.

Abigail - 8.5/10

Holy hell, I haven't laughed so hard in a while. This was a massive surprise! It is a horror comedy flick that consists of a group performing a high profile kidnapping...with one heck of a good cast, and a surprise twist. I'd recommend not looking at a trailer as the only one I saw practically revealed what the big surprise was.
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Nic Cage in his version of A Quiet Place. Was actually fairly decent with some good jumpy moments and seeing those creatures was quite something. Mix of Res Evil and Silent Hill for sure.

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
This was a blast, very enjoyable with some great moments. Think FURY mixed with Kingsman mixed with others of similar nature.

Kinda cheesy in many places but the violence was kinda neat with some decent action. Survival horror with a group of misfit kidnappers.

Godzilla Minus One
Very enjoyable, Zilla himself was pretty ruthless and the whole script and special effects were good too. Quite a moving story too with the characters.
Sunshine - 9/10
Part of the Danny Boyle season at Cineworld, so sat down the front of the big screen and it just looks spectacular. I had also forgotten just how packed it is with talent. Quite trippy as the crew all start to crack in their different ways under the stress of the mission as things start to fall apart. Couple of glaring technical problems in terms of stuff not working the way it would in reality - one that makes me laugh is Cillian holding on one handed to the back of the payload when all the rockets fire and some plot contrivences but I can overlook them.

Yes, I think this is such an underrated movie.

I find it hard to even explain why I like it, as stepping back it's a pretty basic plot sci fi.

But it's just done so well.
Yes, I think this is such an underrated movie.

I find it hard to even explain why I like it, as stepping back it's a pretty basic plot sci fi.

But it's just done so well.
Yeah, it just works for me - a lot of it I think is to do with the way the different characters behave in the knowledge billions of lives are resting on their shoulders. Fleshes the characters out a bit more than typical.

To a certain degree it descends into a lightweight Event Horizon with the introduction of Mark Strong’s character (only realised it was him watching it this time!).
I also really liked sunshine, although haven't seen it for years.

Last night I finished watching Under the Silver Lake. Unusual film with a David Lynch feel about it. Interesting but missing something.
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