What film did you watch last night?

Social Network - Suprisingly enjoyable film. Great soundtrack and I was actually quite hooked and didn't notice that the film was quite so long. 7/10
The objectives being Kelly Brook's baps, yes?

Well theres no other reason to watch it:p

+1, this what what Expendables should have been like. Malkovich is brilliant.

Indeed although i thought Expendables was pretty decent too but Malkovich definitely stole the show from Willis...he was utterly brilliant like he normally is in everything he does.
The Echo
so so haunted appartment type movie with a ghostly girl. Is this a remake of something. I'm sure I smell remake.

Next, The Beacon.
The haunting of molly hartley.

Seriously don't bother watching, especially if you believe the blurb written for it on lovefilm. An hour and a half of nothing happening and a pointless ending.
House of Sand and Fog.

Some great acting, and a good premise, unfortunately let down by some plotting that tends towards unbelievable, and a sharp turn into melodrama about two-thirds of the way in. It's great to see an old-fashioned tragedy on film, but it's shame it wasn't handled better.

The Ghost with Ewen McGregor. Very disappointed. I'm not sure I've seen a film with so many errors/silly bits in for a long time. The ending was poor and I lost count how many times Ewen's accent changed. 5/10
The Ghost with Ewen McGregor. Very disappointed. I'm not sure I've seen a film with so many errors/silly bits in for a long time. The ending was poor and I lost count how many times Ewen's accent changed. 5/10

I watched it the other week. It was OK, but it felt a bit flat for some reason. I can't even remember what happened, which isn't a good sign.
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