What film did you watch last night?

Watched Rocky last night not sure why but fancied watching it, only problem now is it won't feel complete till I watch more so it's Rocky II tonight :D

Might give V a miss, I'll see how I go :p
Toy Story 3.

As a massive fan of the first movie, who saw it on there 9th birthday, I thought this one was a little overrated. Sure it was brilliant to see and hear all the familiar faces, and voices again, but I just felt the plot was a bit lacking compared to the first two movies. However it did make up for the slightly weaker plot, with the funny bits (spanish buzz lol) and emotional parts towards the end. For me, it just seemed like it just go started mid way through, and then before I knew it, it was all over - pacing of the story just seemed a bit rushed in my opinion.

Enjoyed it, but not better than the first two.

Terminator 2 skynet edition on blu ray, watched the theatrical version, quite a few scenes that werent in the original, still love the special effects on this film.
Synecdoche, New York

what the hell? was given this to watch got told it was a comedy but must have been a mistake, what a depressing movie, it was confusing as hell and just depressing.
Exit Through the Gift Shop

Didn't really know what to expect from this. I'm not a massive Street Art aficionado or anything, but was aware of Banksy and liked what I've seen of his work. This documentary doesn't focus on him, but more the Street Art movement and in particular about the guy that set out to make the film and ended up becoming the focus of it.

It's dubbed the first "Street Art disaster movie" (by Banksy I think) and I don't think he meant that in way it sounds at first.

I'd recommend it to anyone with more than a passing interest in graffiti \ street art or even art in general.
Synecdoche, New York

what the hell? was given this to watch got told it was a comedy but must have been a mistake, what a depressing movie, it was confusing as hell and just depressing.

No Country For Old Men - Not sure what the fuss is all about, was something different, but I don't really get it.

Heh. Both great films, destined to be complained about by people, having been recommended to them by arty types...

For the record, I wouldn't have said Synecdoche, New York was a comedy.
The Taking of Pelham 123 - cracking film and Travolta & Washington in excellent form each.

Think you were the only one in the world to think this. haha

Terminator 2 skynet edition on blu ray, watched the theatrical version, quite a few scenes that werent in the original, still love the special effects on this film.

Not as good as Jurassic Park imo
Heh. Both great films, destined to be complained about by people, having been recommended to them by arty types...

I've not been recommended it by an 'arty' type person, I was just going off the hype around it and how it was supposed to be awesome.

Don't get me wrong it's in no way a bad film, it just wasn't as mind blowingly awesome as I thought it was going to be.

Seemed like it was building up to something epic, then....that ending.

I did like the sound of his silenced gun though.
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