What film did you watch last night?

The Breakfast Club - going through the legendary John Hughes' films at the moment.

An absolute classic, just one of those films you have to watch - as brilliant and moving now as it was 25 years ago.
21. Insubstantial and a bit contrived. The script wasn't brilliant, and the direction wasn't great either. Still, Kevin Spacey was alright and I've endured far
worse films.
The Apartment - Jack Lemmon doing gentle rom com from 50 years ago, was entertaining and good in an old fashoined way. Part of my IMDB Top 100. 4/5
Nomad - 8/10
Thoroughly enjoyed this film, I had never heard of this one but was pleasantly surprised by it. It's like the Kazakh version of Braveheart
Maniacs or summit like that. :confused:

On special offer for 99p on Film4 it's about some crazy **** southern cannibals from Hicksville. Good old fashioned gore with just the right amount of humour. Well worth 99p :cool:
Lord of War - Very very good, surprised it's escaped me for this long. Cracking film.
Heat - My 2nd attempt at watching this, and again I turned it off halfway through and went to bed.

The Experiment; good film, good acting performances, 9/10

The German film? That's an amazing film, I generally dislike foreign films but that has to be up there in my top 3 favourite films of all time.
Paranormal Activity

Well put together I thought, some good jump moments.

One of the main characters was just really annoying.

Overall not really that scary, I suffered minimal sleep disruption, even when staying round a mates house that was more noisy than the house in the film.
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