What film did you watch last night?

Commando 7/10

Arnie has developed an irrational hatred of men with moustaches and hears of an island where they are sole inhabitants. Unable to find the island, he kills a number of people, (some of which actually have moustaches,) until he discovers its location. Once there a violent altercation ensues, the only survivors of this moustache-icide being him and a young girl.

Not the best of the Arnie 80's classics, but entertaining nonsense nonetheless.
Harry Potter and the something or other.

Poor acting, bar the adults and Hermione, patchy direction, horrible pacing.

Still, Hermione and Luna are cute and it's sweet and romantic in it's own way, so it could have been a lot of worse.
The American - trailers make it look like a completly differnt type of film. Its not some high octane film with loads of action. it has very little dialogue and very little of anything really. Rating 4/10
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The Sorcerer's Apprentice

was better than i thought it would be in a play by numbers, magic, good versus evil kind of way.

Monica Belluci was in it too....that woman must have the best genetics in the world to look as good as she does.
Star Wars I - Meh, can't stand the little **** who plays little Anakin. "R U AN ANGEL?" DIE YOU LITTLE ****.
Star Wars II - Meh, can't stand the **** who plays Anakin.
Star Wars III - Meh, can't stand the **** who still plays Anakin.
Star Wars IV - YAY.
Star Wars V - YAY.

Star Wars VI is on the agenda for this afternoon. :)
Harry Potter Deathly wotnot pt1 - Not terrible but the pace was so dire, it was like a poor take off of a lord of the rings film with the pendant round his neck that made him miserable and the long scenes out in the mountains. Also the script, if they had tightened up all the pauses between lines the could have knocked half hour off the running time, I know some things need a pause but these reviled X factor in magnitude.

Resident evil Extinction - Erm, well it was fun to watch after a curry and beers, but so little plot.

The sorcerers apprentice. - Not actually a bad film at all, pretty much standard plot for this type of thing but I enjoyed it.
One of the Resident Evils, the second one, it was poo poo.

Sherlock Holmes, only watched half of it as I had to force myself to watch another film after the astonishingly bad Resident Evil, i'll watch the second half later but so far its an average film, amusing in places and I like the way its filmed especially with the slow down bits and the way he figures things out
Harry Potter ATDH Part 1

Huge fan of the books, not so much of the movies. But I will never judge something without seeing it. The film itself wasnt awful, but a few things did annoy me (and a whole lot more but that is down to being a potter geek and noticing things)

- They focused on long boring parts of the books for too long
- Didn't pay enough attention to some of the best points of the first half of the book.
- Missed stuff from earlier books wasnt explained correctly.

Good points were;
-Emma watson
- Emma watson
- Emma watson....

Seriously though, Rupert Grint is a far better actor then radcliff, the adult cast is at times brilliant and they do a half decent job of representing the magic.

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