What film did you watch last night?

Despicable me

Without a doubt the most entertaining animated film i have ever seen, even better than How to Train your Dragon and a country mile better than Toy Story 2 & 3.

The Minions stole the show

Restrepo was on nat geo HD last nigth so keep an eye out for reruns as the week goes on

eye opening and you can see why friendships made in the armed forces can last a lifetime.
Watched Despicable Me earlier this afternoon and thought it was actually quite good, certainly well worth a watch - 8/10 :)

Also attempted Moby Dick and managed 15 minutes into the movie, it really is that bad - 0/10 :(

In the end we settled down with a mug of hot chocolate and watched The Day After Tomorrow, a very apt movie given we've currently got a blizzard outside our window just now :p
Watched Johnny Mad Dog tonight and Four Lions last week.

Johnny Mad Dog has some great scenes and an overall powerful message, but it's a bit disjointed and doesn't really flow like it could have. It's certainly worth watching, but it's not sensational.

Four Lions was really good, although a little strange in places, it was genuinely funny most of the way through. Some of the dialogue is simply superb, with Barry delivering some fantastic lines.
Nightmare On Elm Street (2010). I heard this film was bad so went in with low expectations. Not low enough as it turned out. A truly terrible film, other than one or two jumpy moments it failed to build any suspense along with poor direction and poor performances. Predictable throughout - 2/10
The Sting - Fantastic 1930's Chicago set con man film with Robert Redford and Paul Newman. Moved slow but built up very well with superb music and title cards to set the story well. 4/5
The Sting - Fantastic 1930's Chicago set con man film with Robert Redford and Paul Newman. Moved slow but built up very well with superb music and title cards to set the story well. 4/5
9/10 I'd give it. Classic film. The music and the title cards were utterly superb.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was even better. Two utter acting pro's making it look so easy.
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