What film did you watch last night?

Just watched Legion, was rather ****.

One bit I thought was good near the beginning which made me think this might be interesting, but it didn't develop into anything, would not recommend.
Started to watch Inception. Now I know it's had great reviews, but after 15 mins the missus was like "this is crap". Must admit I wasn't too impressed with it either. It reminded me a bit of Existenz - watch 10 minutes...turns out to be a game, watch another 10 minutes......also turns out to be a game.

Does it get better?
Started to watch Inception. Now I know it's had great reviews, but after 15 mins the missus was like "this is crap". Must admit I wasn't too impressed with it either. It reminded me a bit of Existenz - watch 10 minutes...turns out to be a game, watch another 10 minutes......also turns out to be a game.

Does it get better?

Nope, Tried to watch it three times and couldn't do it lol.
I watched Restrepo on Thursday, I thought it was one of the most compelling, insightful and disturbing war documentaries I've ever seen, thoroughly recommended. 9/10

I've also watched The Other Guys and Resident Evil Afterlife in the last few days. I thought Afterlife was complete rubbish. I didn't expect much after the previous Resident Evil films but this was even worse. The Other Guys was a watchable film, but it completely depends on if you can put up with Will Ferrell or not. I did think some of the humour was really strange, but the general storyline of two bungling cops was pretty enjoyable.

If you think thats disturbing, you should watch Armadillo

I watched both Restrepo and Armadillo over the weekend, very very upclose and personal fighting in Afghanistan and insightful on how the different countries have different styles within the forces

Im going through this list at the moment, although this is the first link I clicked

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Final Fantasy - Spirits Within

Well being a big budget CGI film 9 years ago this surely looks dated now not that I remember if it looked that good back in the day when I saw it in the cinema all those years ago. The story is absurd and ending even more so, plot wholes come in bucket loads as do the stereotypes and fact that this was made by the Japanese is obvious. However, the little boy in me just loves it for some reason so this manages to be watchable.


Final Fantasy - Spirits Within

I Disagree. The film is a joy to watch, unlike the games which are god awful.
The main soundtrack, Dream Within, is excellent.

Constantine 7/10

Despite the objectionable presence of Shia LaBeouf, it had Keanu Reeves, whom I like, so on balance, I liked it. I thought the Devil was played really well too.

Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem

Out of idle curiosity I tried watching this, even though I detest the first AvP film. Predictably, I quickly got bored and tried skipping though to the good bits. It was hard to tell where these were however, as everything was very dark and I couldn't see what was going on.

My verdict... Aliens in the future (thankfully :D), Predators in the present. Don't mix 'em again, thank you.
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