What film did you watch last night?

Black Swan - 5/10
Not really my cup of tea and was frequently lost during the film trying to work out what it was actually about. Some good performances in it though.
Watched a couple the last few nights...

Resident Evil 4 - I had low expectations, they weren't low enough, terrible 2/10
Ninja Assassin - trailer looked ok, film overall was poor, didn't care about any of the characters, weak story too which normally doesn't bother me, but this was bad - 3/10

The Expendibles - Was expecting the worst, but have to say I loved it, and now bought it on blu ray! 8/10
The Night of the Hunter - Another masterclass of cinema. Loving all these criterion blu's at the moment. Hard to believe Laughton never made another movie. 10/10
Leon (uncut version which has more of the weird sort of pedo love story)

great film never seen it before, few scenes made me feel a bit odd watching between portmans character and leon, but great film. Gary Oldman is just perfect at playing bad guys in films :D
Watched This Is Spinal Tap (1984) again, but haven't seen it in years but fancied a laugh lol and I'll tell you what, every time I watch this movie I just end up laughing my ass off. An absolute classic and worth 9/10
Not last night but seen a few recently, most notably The American, with George Clooney.

2/10. Could not believe how unfathomably rubbish it was. I really couldn't. I've known Anton Corbijn for a long time as a photographer and never really thought much of him then. Seems his 'talents' transfer in equally dull and boring measure to cinema too. The only reason I've given it a 2, opposed to a 0 with a side of "Give me those hours of my life back, now!", is because it does contain boobs.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone else who has seen the film what they thought of it. It was pretty much a 105 minute long introduction to a film, something that just never reached any sort of climax. Lots of walking, lots of driving round corners.
Happy Feet - 5/10
Not the greatest animated film I have seen, kind of showing it's age already when I believe it's only been out for 4 or 5 years.
Escape from alcatraz, 1979

6/10 quite a slow film to start and not enough focus on the actual escape, dig a wall, get to roof, jump down, swim.......

still a good watch tho. Clint Eastwood is a leg end
Leon (uncut version which has more of the weird sort of pedo love story)

great film never seen it before, few scenes made me feel a bit odd watching between portmans character and leon, but great film. Gary Oldman is just perfect at playing bad guys in films :D

It's brilliant...

And it's not paedophilia, as he's not interested. He's borderline asexual. It's her that's obsessed with him.
Due Date. 8/10 - I loved The Hangover, my type of comedy. This was like a sequel, only with Iron Man thrown into the mix. :D

Knocked Up. 7/10 - I found the second half of the film to be hilarious. Laughed out loud a few times.

The Social Network. 8/10 - I can see what all the fuss is about now, this movie was fascinating to watch.
Enter the Void - 8/10.

Watched the 161 minute cut on Sunday night and it really sucked me in and has been on my mind since. The ambience of the film is unlike anything I've seen, and it's totally unconventional - but then it is Gaspar Noé. Can see it growing on me and hope to see it in HD next time.
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