What film did you watch last night?

Valhalla Rising

2/10 just for the scenery.

Utter rubbish and the only reason i kept it on was in the hope that something was going to happen. If you are going to watch it, then watch the first chapter then switch off, otherwise it's:

Chapter 1. Moody, scenery and some cracking violence, with a few bits of speaking.
2. Can't remember, thnk it was more artistic scenery with no speaking.
3. Men on a boat for 20mins, lots of fog, hardly any speaking, just fog and music.
4. Soemthing similar now on land, lots of pretty sceneery, some speaking about crosses and then people go a bit mental.
5. more silly mental stuff and a few random deaths in 5secs.
6. More scenery, no words then he just walks to the natives and dies.

Pointless pointless rubbish!

Not bad, I'll give it a 6/10. If it came on tv I'd probably sit and watch it again.

But some things didn't quite work for me.
When they all first landed, the way each guy was introduced one by one felt a bit silly. Plus they were like "oh hi, lets team up and get out of here", without much fuss.
Also I get it was trying to bring back some of the vibe from the first film, but some scenes were almost exact copies (and lines), which took away from the experience - for me anyway.
And what the hell was that with the doctor? Bit of a poor plot twist.

Anyway, when the music came on at the credits I was like :cool:
Kick Ass


Quality film, really good fun, made me laugh a fair amount and the action/violence was hardcore.

Definate purchase and keeper.
Any reasons?

Your posts lack any depth...Your happy to comment but don't give valid reasons.

It wasn't anything more then above average for a film, opinions people are allowed different ones.

I also teach FILM and I have a degree in TV radio and film production.

ooo la la, check you out.

Opinions, other people have them and they might differ from yours, debate, don't shoot people down with "well I do X, Y and Z so know more then you" as that's how that post came across.
It wasn't anything more then above average for a film, opinions people are allowed different ones.

ooo la la, check you out.

Opinions, other people have them and they might differ from yours, debate, don't shoot people down with "well I do X, Y and Z so know more then you" as that's how that post came across.

If one is willing to offer an Opinion then just saying is crap doesn't cut it.

Lord of the Rings is terrible...But At least I back my argument up with reasons why I have this opinion.
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