Sorry, didn't see it at first I'm tired.
You used "pants" as an opinion, pot kettle black.
I used a widely popular "Media Term" to encompass the Film Reign Of Fire
In this context it has more meaning than Crap or rubbish.
Your point?
Sorry, didn't see it at first I'm tired.
You used "pants" as an opinion, pot kettle black.
lockstock for the 20th + time. itv2 right now
Easyrider is a troll.
But don't worry, that's just a 'Reality term'.
Watched inception, its not that hard to get. The only thing is your so busy working out whats going on that your not really relaxing and enjoying the film as much as you could've.
Just watched Jackass 3D, it was pretty good although not as good as the first 2. The "volcano" and the midgets in the bar when the cops and paramedics came in was the funniest I thought.
Havent watched a film in ages as i have been watching Battlestar galactica from start to finish including all webisodes and the movies.
The Game - My wife had stuck this on our Lovefilm list as she'd not seen it before. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it. I've seen it oodles of times before, and I think it doesn't really bear up well to repeated watches. It's not bad, but it's not great, and some of it seems just a bit too far fetched.