What film did you watch last night?

The Disappearance Of Alice Creed:

Good, tension filled British thriller, plot constantly meanders and moves at an energetic pace, the 100 min runtime seems to go in a flash. No high budget special effects, just 3 characters and the bulk of the movie shot on one set, but an immensely watchable movie regardless.
Megamind, was very funny and I have some thoughts on Metro Man's method too. I think it was his plan all along to turn Megamind that way!
A Serbian Film...Terrible. Just Terrible. The only good thing was the score apart from that it was rubbish.

Basically only watched it because so many people said not to. I would not recommend this film, to anyone. Not because it is disturbing (its really not that bad) but because it is a terrible terrible film. 1/10 for the music.
A Serbian Film...Terrible. Just Terrible. The only good thing was the score apart from that it was rubbish.

Basically only watched it because so many people said not to. I would not recommend this film, to anyone. Not because it is disturbing (its really not that bad) but because it is a terrible terrible film. 1/10 for the music.

I found it quite thought provoking tbh.
Hellboy 2.

Looks like this is going to become one for the guilty pleasures section, i actually quite enjoyed it despite its glaring flaws. Brilliantly directed, shame about some sections of the plot.
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