What film did you watch last night?

I went to see Battle: Los Angeles. I quite liked it... when the actors kept their mouths shut. Holy **** cakes batman was it loud... felt like the cinema had 10 subs and a 100 speakers!! Had some great set pieces 7/10
Not sure I know what you mean by use?

The action scenes tried to be too much like 300 and Beowulf I thought and the dialogue was a bit meh throughout. The witches weren't as acceptable as you'd expect them to be either. Plus, why didn't she break free in the first place and save all that time?

The Lovely Bones - Knew nothing about this before watching (other than Peter Jackson) so I had no expectations. It was quite good, suspensful in places but on the whole only realy served as a warning not to talk to strangers. 3/5

Oh and it was annoying that the 14 year old's younger sister was clearly a significantly older actress.
had a bit of a film marathon last night and today...

so jackass 3....7/10 some awesome giggles! 1st high 5 is the best and the "shoot the ducks" scene! I want a go hehe

Ip Man 8.5/10 really enjoyed this,the martial arts are phenominal but will I be disappointed with Ip Man2?

Man on fire 9.5/10 just awesome!

and for tonight and bit of Leon the professional I reckon.....pure cinematic bliss!

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