What film did you watch last night?

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo:

6/10, wasn't bad but didn't think it was all it as cracked up to be.

As is usually the case, the book is better (but also not as good as it is cracked up to be). The film is fairly faithful, but does make a couple of major changes, not least the ending.

London Boulevard - A film about a whole lot of nothing if I am honest. Just a waste of 99 minutes. Colin Farrell's English accent was just terrible. 2/10 for the soundtrack and some of the violence.
Just watched 127hrs, was largely quite dull really but the use of Sigur Ros in that last scene was so perfect. Glad I didn't turn it off half way through just for this:o

I guess with that story line you're always struggling for excitement, but Boyle did an ok job:)

A perfectly acceptable 7/10. Some good adult-themed jokes, and probably the best CGI I've seen to date (no surprise as IL&M were on the case).
Serenity 9/10

Still as good as it ever was, just annoying I watched it on ITV4 with ad breaks every 5 minutes. Great one liners, awesome cast and a believable storyline make for a great sci-fi film.

Firefly was awesome too, shame they canned it. Muppets !!
Rango - 8/10

Enjoyed it, the animation is truly top notch and the score is brilliant. Some of the voice acting is a little...wooden, some of the cast choices confused me as well. Overall however a funny, imaginative and entertaining film.
Watched Untraceable a few nights ago. Good computer/tech thriller, shades of 'Seven' in some respects. Nice soundtrack too. Worth a watch imo.
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