What film did you watch last night?

Just watched 127hrs, was largely quite dull really but the use of Sigur Ros in that last scene was so perfect. Glad I didn't turn it off half way through just for this:o

I guess with that story line you're always struggling for excitement, but Boyle did an ok job:)
Serenity 9/10

Still as good as it ever was, just annoying I watched it on ITV4 with ad breaks every 5 minutes. Great one liners, awesome cast and a believable storyline make for a great sci-fi film.

Firefly was awesome too, shame they canned it. Muppets !!
Rango - 8/10

Enjoyed it, the animation is truly top notch and the score is brilliant. Some of the voice acting is a little...wooden, some of the cast choices confused me as well. Overall however a funny, imaginative and entertaining film.
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