What film did you watch last night?

Hot Tub Time Machine - Got to say that I laughed a lot more than I probably should. Either it caught me in the perfect mood or it was extremely funny - probably me being in a silly mood. Anyway, story is Back to the Future for 40 year olds but some very silly 'gross out' gags and John Cusack (always been a fan of his), also very good to see Chevy Chase again (when did he get old?)! 4/5
Hot Tub Time Machine - Got to say that I laughed a lot more than I probably should. Either it caught me in the perfect mood or it was extremely funny - probably me being in a silly mood. Anyway, story is Back to the Future for 40 year olds but some very silly 'gross out' gags and John Cusack (always been a fan of his), also very good to see Chevy Chase again (when did he get old?)! 4/5

I think you forgot to mention easily the best part of that film ;)
Watched Any Given Sunday. Not really a fan of American football, but it has Al Pacino starring. Thought it was a good film but a little predictable 8/10 (would be 6/10 if Al was not in it) :)
The Man Who Wasn't There. Great modern noir style film from the Coens. I loved Billy Bob Thornton in this. So detached and disinterested from the events of his life. Some of the photography was great - things were really well framed so it was very pleasing to look at.
The Next Three Days - This film was a bit hit n miss for me, an interesting take on the guilty/not guilty type films, the beginning felt a bit disjointed then it took up some pace and then got a tad unbelievable but the end still felt tense and had me thinking what is going to happen. Did feel very long but that might just be cos it was Sunday night and I had a heavy weekend lol. Still a good film though but need to leave your sense behind and go with it. 7/10
Saw xmen first class today.

Thoroughly enjoyable and liked it a lot more than the previous films.
Role Models - 6/10

First half of the film is hilarious, second half sucks. Elizabeth Banks looks hot, Rudd, Scott and Lynch have some funny lines but black kid steals the show.

More black kid, swearing and nudity less Mintz-Plasse and medieval crap required.
No it probably because you're uneducated in the Media Language, Mise-en-scène, Codes and Conventions, Dress codes, Editing, Diegetic and non Diegetic Sound and NVC:p

i just looked at his next comment hes definitely going through the what to watch to be a movie connoisseur guide :p

how very well dare you my old chap im highly polished in the high film society :D
i just looked at his next comment hes definitely going through the what to watch to be a movie connoisseur guide :p

You're being a bit of a tool :confused:

You're posting a thread dedicated to discussing what films we have seen, in a subforum already largely dedicated to films. Would it be so bad or surprising to find some people in here who actually enjoy films beyond "LOL KABOOM BOOBS!" ?
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Book of Eli

Not sure if it was good or a waste of 1h45m! hmmm. Not sure how to rate it at all.
vonhelmet was having a laugh ;) lets not take it too seriously :)

it was only cause when i seen the film you mentioned first its often a film picked out by the movie watcher who wants to become a bit more in depth with films , a connoisseur .

the second choice was just as text book as the first this is what made me laugh.

not personal or anything just the choice of films that all.

i watch all manners of films as probably you do no doubt its just the last two you posted would probably come out of the daily star top ten to being a movie critic if you get my gist

even how you worded the review is worthy of barry norman
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