What film did you watch last night?

vonhelmet was having a laugh ;) lets not take it too seriously :)

it was only cause when i seen the film you mentioned first its often a film picked out by the movie watcher who wants to become a bit more in depth with films , a connoisseur .

the second choice was just as text book as the first this is what made me laugh.

not personal or anything just the choice of films that all.

i watch all manners of films as probably you do no doubt its just the last two you posted would probably come out of the daily star top ten to being a movie critic if you get my gist

even how you worded the review is worthy of barry norman

Can you tell me what other films are on that Daily Star list? I'll add them to my Lovefilm queue.
We watched Good Morning, Vietnam last night. I'd watched it years ago, but didn't really remember it. It's pretty good, though some scenes drag a bit. Robin Williams is great though - so quick.
Machete - was quite disappointed with it, expected more lol moments but seemed rather badly done and didnt think Danny Trejo played a strong front man IMO, 4/10
I saw Unknown last night, It was alright, not as good as Taken... which wasn’t as good as Man on Fire! And I bought 20th Anniversary Edition of 'Dances with Wolves' (one of the best movies ever made) on Blu-ray!
Legion : Actually thought is was pretty good 6/10

True Grit : Good film but I thought it was going to be better than it actually was, probably prefer the original 7/10
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