What film did you watch last night?

Alive - you know..... the one where their plane crashes in the Andes and they eat the dead to survive !!!

Have seen it before, but was just flicking through the channels and caught the beginning so decided to watch it again. I have no idea how close this is to actual events but some dodgy acting aside the story is really compelling !
I just watched 'In Bruges'.


I've been refusing to watch this film for ages even though I've been told by many that it was well worth a watch, simply because I have an irrational dislike of Colin Farrell (I don't know why, it's not based on anything... ok, well maybe it's based on 'Phone Booth' a little bit). Anyway, I decided to put that to one side and watch it, and I'm so pleased I did. I was laughing out loud, raucously, the whole way through. It's a highly funny and entertaining film with good acting by all involved. That's not to say it's all laughs though, there are good emotional/serious bits that came off very well, and the story was very involving. Bit the main thing is, I just had a damn good time watching it :D

monday alien directors cut
last night aliens extended version

still classic films :) im also still shocked there is no blu ray versions yet :(
I started watching a russian war movie on film 4 last night, (9th company aka 9 rota). Looked really good from the bit i did see, unfortunately i fell asleep and missed most of it. Definitely gonna keep an eye out for it being shown again.
Just finished watching Watchmen.
Very good film, but was a bit confusing at the start.
Soon realised the plot and was a very enjoyable movie.
Even though it ran for about 2h 40m i didn't want it to finish.

Refreshing change to superhero films:
Reservoir Dogs, not watched it in a while so stuck it on my LoveFilm list in BluRay.

Arrived this morning and enjoyed about an hour ago :)

I had the misfortune of watching Mega Shark v Giant Octopus.

Words cannot describe how bad it is. I was not expecting much but how does it even manage to not live upto my low expectations.....that in itself is quiet an achievement.
Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen: Not too bad, just really a 'take your brain out before watching' type film, some very nice looking young ladies in it too!

Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring: Seen before numerous times, just wanted a long film to take up the rest of the night. Still just as good as first time i watched it, still just as disappointed about some missing characters and storyline from the book too! :)
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