What film did you watch last night?

The Lost World: Jurassic Park, hadn't seen it in yoinks, its brilliant. Led onto a conversation (somehow) about The BFG, so i think that's on the cards tomorrow, haven't seen that since i was a child and getting afraid over the part when the army goes in to capture them while their sleeping :p That put me on egde that stuff.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Gran Torino and Dance Flick

I saw Gran Torino last night too, what id you think to it? I personally enjoyed the film but failed to see how it won any awards, the acting was wooden at best, and the script felt strained and amateurish in parts. The morale of the story was good with Eastwood's character trying to build bridges and live life after a life of distancing himself from his family after the Korean war, and finding friendship with those he once hated. I felt at times it was quite xenophobic and used racist stereotypes just for the sake of it, like the true meaning of the show was a pure message of interracial relations, but on the way lets just racial insult every race the characters come across. But in all I did enjoy it and did find it had a strong vein of dark comedy running through it, which did get a big tongue-in-cheek in parts, but was worth the watch.

Nice car as well :D
I watched Defiance last night.

It was pretty good albeit fairly predictable character development and plot.

I think the worst thing about it was the totally unbelievable quasi-russian accents that Daniel Craig et al kept slipping in and out of.

I think the worst thing about it was the totally unbelievable quasi-russian accents that Daniel Craig et al kept slipping in and out of.


Anything is better than Harrison Ford's attempted accent in K-19. I'm surprised they even let him go with it. :eek:

Watched New Town Killers last night. It was a game/manhunt film set in Edinburgh with Dougray Scott. It wasn't amazing although some good performances and good splicing of locations in the city.
Se7en, seen it many times before but I was watching it with somebody that has apparently been living under a rock. Awesome film!
Last night I watched drag me to hell, I'm some what intrigued by the supernatural. I was strangely expecting a big budget Hollywood film but luckily it wasn't and it didn't have the usual lame ending :)

Sex and death 101,was pretty good if a bit predictable in places but lots of hot chicks and some dark and quirky twists on the typical romcom themed film.
Highlander, Highlander 2 and Showdown in Little Tokyo.

I knew it was terrible but watched 2 anyway, currently in the middle of 3, much better but still not as good as the original.

Showdown in Little Tokyo was good dumb fun though :D
Watched Burn after reading, thought it was quite good bar the abrupt ending, very snatch/lock stock-esqe.
I saw Gran Torino last night too, what id you think to it? I personally enjoyed the film but failed to see how it won any awards, the acting was wooden at best, and the script felt strained and amateurish in parts. The morale of the story was good with Eastwood's character trying to build bridges and live life after a life of distancing himself from his family after the Korean war, and finding friendship with those he once hated. I felt at times it was quite xenophobic and used racist stereotypes just for the sake of it, like the true meaning of the show was a pure message of interracial relations, but on the way lets just racial insult every race the characters come across. But in all I did enjoy it and did find it had a strong vein of dark comedy running through it, which did get a big tongue-in-cheek in parts, but was worth the watch.

Nice car as well :D

The acting from the Japs spoilt it for me, not too bad otherwise
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