What film did you watch last night?

I watched Gladiator last night as someone I know hadn't seen it, then I watched Outlaw on Bravo, which was meh.
Max Manus: Man of War

It's a Norweigan film about Max Manus, WW2 saboteur. Basically about the Oslo Gang during Nazi occupation, from the gang's formation to the end of the war. Quite enjoyed it actually. For any of you who like war movies, I'd recommend it as being worth a watch.
Attack of the clones, i forgot how bad the acting was in it.

Number of times I have watched the original 3 Star Wars films = uncountable

Number of times I have watched the newest 3 Star Wars films = three times total

I think that says it all really, saw each at the cinema, never intend to watch them again, as far as I'm concerned the films start at IV.
I started watching S.Darko, couldn't watch more then 20 minutes of it, an awful film.

I'm going to watch Spawn tonight, no idea what I'll watch after that :( but a quiet night in awaits :)
I quite like troy, not amazing film, but a good film to kick back and watch, also sparked my interest in the story which led to a night of reading.
It's entertaining and mildly historically accurate, although not spot on. Acting is a bit ropey in places but certainly not the worst film on my shelf!
A Clockwork Orange on Blu Ray. Fantastic film thought the transfer was good and thoroughly enjoyed it. Not my most favourite Kubrick film, toss up between 2001 and The Shining both of which are very very good transfers to HD
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