What film did you watch last night?

Also watched The Taking of Pelham 123. Not bad, Denzel Washington made it better than it otherwise would have been but overall it seemed like a movie without much of a point to it.

Not seen the new one, but I saw the original a while back and it was brilliant.
Watched two Harrison Ford films:

Brade Runner - classic

Clear and Present Danger - not too bad. I remember watching it when I was about 12 and having no idea what it was about. :D
“I am Jaguar Paw, son of Flint Sky. My father hunted this forest before me. My name is Jaguar Paw. I am a hunter. This is my forest. And my sons will hunt it with their sons after I am gone.”

have a guess what i watched! best film in last 10 years i reckon!
“I am Jaguar Paw, son of Flint Sky. My father hunted this forest before me. My name is Jaguar Paw. I am a hunter. This is my forest. And my sons will hunt it with their sons after I am gone.”

have a guess what i watched! best film in last 10 years i reckon!

Apocalypto of course :cool:

today, i 'ad been mostely watchin'....star trek 2: the wrath of Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnn on bluray :cool:

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The 4th Harry Potter film, haven't seen 5 or 6 yet but this one is the best one so far.

Also got Snatch on BlueRay which I watched day before yesterday, great film :)
Watched Police Academy 5 today: Genuinely don't know why it is rated so poorly, it has my type of humor in and even though it's more or less the same jokes from the previous films ( which I've all seen in the past week) I still enjoy it 7/10.

Watched Home alone for the first time today, hillarious :D, 9/10 imo.
Vantage Point = terrible?

Blimey, thought it was awesome. No replay value in it for me, but i thought it was very clever.

Watched Zombieland last night. Awesome start, dragged its heels in the middle, (the bit with the movie star should have been much funnier). The ending was good, aside from a few lame decisions made by our heroes!

A few more zombie battles, more use of the weapons stash they find (why were they using lame single shot pea shooters?) and it would have been much better.

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