What film did you watch last night?

11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
Gremlins not really seen it before. Slightly slow open in and limitations of the gremlin animations themselves hamper a decent film overall. When you bear in mind its 1984 its great for the age. 7/10.

I love Gremlins. Takes me back to being a kid when Gremlins and Back To The Future always featured somewhere in the TV lineup over Christmas.

They were the days - getting excited over the Christmas edition of the Radio Times to see what blockbuster films were going to be on :)
3 Nov 2003
Martyrs N/A / 10
Why on earth did I watch that. It's well put together but there is no way I could ever recommend anybody watch that film. God I breezed through Audition, Funny Games and even Irreversible without too many issues but Martyrs was too much.

I actually really like this film. Not into the normal crappy shock films but thought this one was genuinely well done.
22 Jul 2004
Up north in Sunderland
Just tried to watch Cloud Atlas but got pretty bored, other half wasn't interested so turned it off. Will try again sometime.

Dredd : 7/10 not bad, good to see a proper 18 rated movie.

Taken 2 : 5/10 such a shame really as I love the first one, more of the same would have worked but they added stupid bits into it and it just wasn't as gritty.

Robin Hood : 7/10 The latest one, actually saw this at the cinema but just watched it again, I actually quite like it.. Yeah it's no Gladiator but it isn't bad.
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22 Sep 2006
Chelmsford, Essex
The Grey

Maybe I'm missing something but I failed to see what the fuss was about? I've seen it called a masterpiece, I've read people cried at the ending, all sorts but for me it was rather meh

22 Jul 2012
I kind of agree with that though I wouldn't call it a terrible trilogy. Not by a long shot.

I've read the books at least twice and still found the films a slight drag, great as they were.
Saying that, most of the appreciation I got from the movies was due to knowing the books pretty well and I think that goes for most fans, although you don't have to be a 'fanboy' to enjoy them imo.

If it's not for you, then it's not for you :)
26 Feb 2007
Leafy Cheshire
How so? LOTR was so drab and they managed to drag the entire affair over three long movies. Terrible trilogy that I'm sure appeals mostly to those who were fans of the books in the first place.

Oh I wasn't questioning your opinion. I disagree but you're perfectly entitled to feel the way you do. I merely found the part I quoted quite strange.

Can you only like the films if you're already a fanboy? Or does liking the films make you a fanboy? Seems to me being a fanboy requires you to like something by definition so it's also a bit like saying "I'm sure snow is cold though".

In any case most fanboys hated the films.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
Oh I wasn't questioning your opinion. I disagree but you're perfectly entitled to feel the way you do. I merely found the part I quoted quite strange.

Can you only like the films if you're already a fanboy? Or does liking the films make you a fanboy? Seems to me being a fanboy requires you to like something by definition so it's also a bit like saying "I'm sure snow is cold though".

In any case most fanboys hated the films.

Maybe I'm just being dumb using the incorrect term of fanboy.

It came across to me that many people who read the books rated the trilogy on how great it was as a port over of the books. Reading the reviews on IMDB suggests so. This bothers me because it meant all 3 got in the top 30 of all time greatest films based heavily on that fact, much higher than many films that were much more imaginative, original and just better. LOTR was lazy script and screen writing. Characters did things for no reason that you couldn't understand (unless you read the book). It relied heavily on wow graphics and sets. Neither film could stand on it's own either, even Star wars you could watch either episode alone and be done with that. The fellowship, at 3 hours long was just a 3rd of a story from a book, that isn't a movie to me. Granted the casting was good but for someone who didn't read the books I found it dull and disappointing. A film shouldn't rely on a book to make it. A film should stand on it's own as a film and a story, particularly if it means it's going to come in so highly on a rating table of other films.

The hobbit is just ONE book, yet they're stretching that over 9 hours too!! So what are they screen writers going to do with that? If they make stuff up and deviate from the book they will be thrown to the lions by the masses of fans of the book so instead they are going to drag it all out when it should have just been one film.

Sorry, not a rant. Just disappointed because I thought it could have been better/different.
22 Jul 2004
Up north in Sunderland
The hobbit is just ONE book, yet they're stretching that over 9 hours too!! So what are they screen writers going to do with that? If they make stuff up and deviate from the book they will be thrown to the lions by the masses of fans of the book so instead they are going to drag it all out when it should have just been one film.

Sorry, not a rant. Just disappointed because I thought it could have been better/different.

I think you will find they may use parts from The Similarion and Unfinished Tales in The Hobbit movies.

Other than that, you are in titled to your own view, it's wrong but it is yours :p
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