What film did you watch last night?

7 Jul 2011
Back to consuming shed loads of Netflix on the commute, most recently:

Straight Outta Compton - 8/10 - Excellent biopic, I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did as I'm not really a rap fan, but it's well scripted and well acted considering the cast are relative unknowns. Even enjoyed the music which was a nice surprise since I'm traditionally more inclined toward rock, there's one scene with Ice Cube recording a diss track aimed at NWA (No Vaseline) which cuts between him in the studio and NWA listening and reacting which is absolutely brilliant. I also really enjoyed the time they dedicated to the historical context, the Crips and Bloods stuff, the LA riots, Rodney King etc. Ever since I played San Andreas back in the day I've had a real interest in the situation within LA during the late 80's early 90's. So watching this led on to....:

Boys n the Hood - 7/10 - How have I never watched this? Cuba Gooding was good, Fishburne was good, the only issue I have is that it felt somewhat dated, and I was kind of trying to find a film that gave a wider picture of the situation at the time and the focus of Boys n the Hood is quite narrow, aiming at the interpersonal relationships and the impact of gang violence rather than the specifics of what was going on. Not a failing of the film at all.

The Bye Bye Man - 5/10 - I love Halloween, it always kind of puches me to get back into my old love of horror movies. This started off pretty promisingly, tighter main cast focussing on three close knit people so there was no feeling of expendability there which I find makes it difficult to invest in similar films. However after about the half way mark it all descends into nonsense, I've not watched the ending yet but the final 3rd feels very rushed and the cognitive leaps required for some of the thinking exhibited by the main guy is just nonsense. I can't even adequately explain it away by focussing on his mental state, it's just nonsense. In contrast I watched Hellhouse LLC the other day and I really enjoyed that precisely because it didn't try to have its protagonists unravel some big mystery, bad crap happened, there's no string that you can pull that will fix all this.
20 Oct 2002
No Vaseline is absolutely brutal. Easily the best diss track ever recorded. Ice Cube deserves all the praise as songwriter/lyricist. Love that film and I did the same by going to watch BITH afterwards :p
7 May 2006
United Kingdom
The Snowman (2017) - 3/10

Slow, boring and plodding with no suspense or action, and a rushed ending that defies belief.

There’s a good serial killer story with personal stakes, misdirection and mystery in there, but its buried beneath poor pacing and bland performances.

I found the setting and atmosphere of Norway really adds to the style of the film with its stunning views, beauty and bleakness.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
The Snowman (2017) - 3/10

Slow, boring and plodding with no suspense or action, and a rushed ending that defies belief.

There’s a good serial killer story with personal stakes, misdirection and mystery in there, but its buried beneath poor pacing and bland performances.

I found the setting and atmosphere of Norway really adds to the style of the film with its stunning views, beauty and bleakness.

Just back from watching this and my thoughts are similar. I give it 2/10 and that 2 is purely for the Norway scenery. You know a film is poor when you find the scenery more interesting than the film. The film itself was worse than many TV shows and if it wasnt for the fact that we watched the film effectively for free (Odeon Limitless) then I would be pretty damned annoyed. Riddled with plot holes, entire premises not explained and a bad guy who was obvious from almost the moment you first see him.
30 Jul 2016
Get Out 7/10

Felt better than low budget horror, but in a kind of made for TV way. Enjoyed it well enough in an average, not too bad kind of way.
13 May 2003
Well Split was on the box tonight. I rather enjoyed it probably a 7 out of 10. I thought James McAvoy was good really pulled off the different characters well. My only minor gripe was the oh so predictable troubled past of the lead female protagonist. But at least they didn't dwell on it.
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