What game did you play last?

Dead of Winter plus The Long Night expansion - played with 4 of us. One of my favourite games. Followed this up with Smash Up plus all the expansions (blind deck choices, the only way to play in my opinion)

A good night's gaming that :)
Tuesday night gaming:

Shakespeare - I edged the owner by a point by buying a set designer to tank everyone's ambience twice in round 5.

Legendary Encounters: Alien - I played the Aliens scenario with two people new to the game. One of them got killed by a huge chain of strikes during Objective 2, but we solidified and easily defeated the Queen just after reshuffling the Hive.
Been a while since I posted anything on here, so recent plays have been:

Eldritch Horror
Ticket to Ride (picked up the original as Europe is my wife's top game)
Pandemic Cthulhu
Elder Sign
Potion Explosion
Roll for It

although we lost with one turn I really enjoyed Pandemic Cthulhu. Eldritch Horror, Scythe and Elder sign I played solo and the simplicity of Elder sign I think won out but I feel Eldritch Horror will shine when every other move doesn't need a rule check. Scythe was very nice, looked great on the table but I don't want to judge until I have had a normal game and not the automata system.

Also picked up Keyflower and Castles of Burgundy but yet to play them and also picked up Agricola all creatures as a 9th birthday present for my daughter.
Samurai Sword - A samurai version on Bang! Not bad.

Codenames: Deep Undercover - The adult version. Very silly.

Dragon & Flagon - A bar brawl game with D&D type classes. Kind of like Robo Rally but much quicker. Good fun.

Descent - We finally got back to playing it, still enjoyable.

Dead of Winter: The Long Night - Standalone expansion with extra optional modules. Really enjoy the base game and this is just as good. You can add the base game to this
Dragon & Flagon - A bar brawl game with D&D type classes. Kind of like Robo Rally but much quicker. Good fun.

I've got this on my list to look at at Spiel. Apparently it's a fantasy revamp of the old game Swashbuckler.

Sunday I arrived too late for the early fillers, but we started main games early and I'd brought The Gallerist by request. First time I played it with four, I think, and while it took a while to get moving once everyone got the swing of the actions it went very quickly. One player finished in the $60s because he'd overestimated how important the Art Dealer is - Art Dealer and Curator will each account for maybe 10% of your score - but the rest of us were over $100. My last action gave me a choice of buying a painting and completing my $15 Curator bonus or taking a last reputation tile with the chance of getting a painting in the auction. I took the chance because the rep tile plus the extra VIP was worth almost as much as the Curator bonus and profit from the painting, so I had the chance to get free money from the auction. I didn't, but it showed everyone very clearly how setting up a range of options can lead to potential big profits without hemming yourself in.

After that we played Valley of the Kings: Afterlife, the first time I've played that version. I think I may prefer it to the original. VOTK: Last Rites is out at Spiel and is even more combo-oriented, though, so I'll have to see whick one I like best.
Cry Havoc - Sci-Fi tight map war game with some deck building thrown in.
Not sold on this. For me it feels that you don't get enough actions through the game. Also can't react to anything quick enough (due to lack of cards /actions) and once behind it's very hard to come back points wise. Also I have questions on the balance, though it's probably too early to tell. Of this style of game, Chaos in the Old World and Blood Rage are still much better in my opinion.

Millennium Blades - A game about being a CCG player.
Original theme and pretty fun splitting between the purchase/trading phase and tournament phase, it succeeds in what it's trying to do. Set up can be heavy the first time and every time you want to alter the available decks. Also I guess you could just be unlucky on the cards you purchase (you purchase single cards that represent a sealed pack and don't know what your getting), but all in all, still very good.

Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu - Seems easier than the standard Pandemic. Think I prefer it though, with the random gods coming out at random times, it mixes each play up a little more. Plus wasn't a huge fan of having to meet on a specific city to swap a card. Enjoying it at the moment as good 30/40 minute evening game.
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Dragon & Flagon - A bar brawl game with D&D type classes. Kind of like Robo Rally but much quicker as its 2 moves locked in rather than 5. Good fun.

I've got this on my list to look at at Spiel. Apparently it's a fantasy revamp of the old game Swashbuckler.

This would explain the pirate shipboard on the reverse which is a team game. We didn't read about it and I've never played Swashbuckler
Got a couple of shorter heavies in last night. First was Bomarzo, a worker placement game where you try to get the most cards in three different sets or advance the furthest on three different tracks. The twist is that the value of each victory condition is determined by a blind auction conducted throughout the game.

Second was Lagoon: Land of Druids, another WP game but this time with an evolving map of sites which the workers move between. Having a worker on a site gives all your workers either the ability to perform a unique action or gives you a permanent bonus, but you also want to remove sites as that's the main route to scoring - at the end of the game the majority colour of the map determines how many points the seeds and sites you have collected are worth.

We then finished off with Incan Gold, a light push your luck game. I had a fantastic day 1where I was last to leave and got more than twice as much treasure as anyone else had left with, then we busted without anyone earning anything in day 2 so I was able to leverage a win with very conservative play.
Played roll for it and ticket to ride europe with my wife, sister and parents last night.
my dad is very non gamer although he loves card games on his tablet and pc it took a bit of persuasion from my wife to get him playing but after playing Europe he willingly agreed to bring the USA map on holiday when we all go away next year.

I'm classing it as a big step as his idea of board games is still monopoly and after the initial struggle that no dice were involved he ended up coming 3rd but would have been within about 10 points of winning if he completed his primary route.
Last night was:

Sylla - a tableau builder set in ancient Rome where you try to prevent crises and make the people happy. Haven't played it in ages and I'm sure I got a rule wrong, but in my defence it's not a great rulebook.

Valley of the Kings: Afterlife - a great little deckbuilder. I think I prefer Afterlife to the original, as it's faster and more interactive. Looking forward to trying Last Rites.

Finished off with Port Royal again. I'm probably going to include the expansion next time I play.
Away for the weekend with the Mrs.


Fluxx (pirate version) - I still think these are good games when played: 1) drinking and 2) emphasizing speed. Played at a frantic pace (like snap) they can be quite good. Played with thought and consideration they are a snooze.

Love Letter (The Hobbit version - still slightly annoyed that there's an unwinnable hand, but otherwise it's as good as any other version)

Patchwork - a new one for us. Excellent 2p game. I think it may be 'solvable' to a degree, but over the course of ~8 games (with beer/wine) neither of us did, so it was tense and fun.

Mr Jack (pocket) - another new one, and very good. Can get incredibly tense. I'm told it's a different game than Mr Jack (rather than just a pocket size version).

I really wanted Agricola lite (the farm-management one. All creatures?) but couldn't find it for a non-looney price.
Start saving money now then! :D

More playing of my regular 2 player games: Patchwork, Eminent Domain: Microcosm & Dungeon Roll.

I did however receive a copy of Tiny Epic Western in the post today. Might break it out tomorrow! :)
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I really wanted Agricola lite (the farm-management one. All creatures?) but couldn't find it for a non-looney price.

Define "non-loony". There's one for 25EUR on the BGG Market, although it's been there a while, and one went up this month for £32.

If you like both Patchwork and Agricola, look up A Feast For Odin.
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