Cry Havoc - Sci-Fi tight map war game with some deck building thrown in.
Not sold on this. For me it feels that you don't get enough actions through the game. Also can't react to anything quick enough (due to lack of cards /actions) and once behind it's very hard to come back points wise. Also I have questions on the balance, though it's probably too early to tell. Of this style of game, Chaos in the Old World and Blood Rage are still much better in my opinion.
Millennium Blades - A game about being a CCG player.
Original theme and pretty fun splitting between the purchase/trading phase and tournament phase, it succeeds in what it's trying to do. Set up can be heavy the first time and every time you want to alter the available decks. Also I guess you could just be unlucky on the cards you purchase (you purchase single cards that represent a sealed pack and don't know what your getting), but all in all, still very good.
Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu - Seems easier than the standard Pandemic. Think I prefer it though, with the random gods coming out at random times, it mixes each play up a little more. Plus wasn't a huge fan of having to meet on a specific city to swap a card. Enjoying it at the moment as good 30/40 minute evening game.