What game did you play last?

Define "non-loony". There's one for 25EUR on the BGG Market, although it's been there a while, and one went up this month for £32.

If you like both Patchwork and Agricola, look up A Feast For Odin.

Thanks, I'll check that one out.

The only listings I could find were 'new' but were ~£45. I figured two cheaper games would be better than one more expensive, but I'll take a look at BGG, thanks.
My Tuesday group has moved to Wednesday. Apart from a quick round of Red7 I only played one game last night: Mombasa, Alexander Pfister's excellent game of totally not exploiting black people. I won - in fact in three games I haven't yet lost - but only by a single point this time instead of the usual 10 or 20. I'm not worried though, I was trying a slightly different strategy that didn't entirely play to the strengths of my starting position.
Relic - Quite enjoy playing this, bit quicker than Talisman I think. Must remember the power cards in the future as could have won.

Pandemic: Contagion - Evolve your virus, score points. A nice twist and easy to pick up. Quick to play too.
Only recently gotten into tabletop gaming

Played a lot of Pandemic recently. Really enjoyed it too and we keep going back to it in evenings rather than switching on the TV or something.

Played a bit of Love Letter too, but found it a bit boring with only 2 players. Hopefully Star Realms will be a little more involving!
Star Realms is a bad game, but as a newbie to the hobby you won't notice why it's bad. You'll probably get your money's worth before you get bored, just don't get too invested in it.

Played two games at the very opposite ends of the spectrum last night, both with expansions for the first time. First up was Cthulhu Wars; as we had only one new player out of five I decided to throw in two Independent Great Old Ones, three Neutral Monsters and the Hounds of Tindalos. It all went very well and the newbie actually won.

After that we reshuffled the groups and played Port Royal with its expansion, which adds goals to be worked towards for money and VPs, a couple of new characters, and new ships that give the person who takes them lots of money but also gives cash to another player. I like it a lot more with the expansion, I don't think I'll play it again any other way.
I had some friends round on Friday night and we got in plays of the following:

  • Archer: Once you go Blackmail
  • Between Two Cities
  • Dead of Winter (which we won!)
Back from Spiel and hoo boy, where to start?

Master of Orion: The Board Game - resource juggler and tableau builder based on the famous 4X space sim. Plays four in about an hour. I liked, unfortunately it sold out while I was playing.

Tallinn - another tableau builder, this time a microgame where you try to score the best sets in three types while building secondary sets for end game scoring. Bought.

A Feast For Odin - Uwe Rosenberg's latest iteration on filling out boards. All the best bits of Caverna and Agricola combined with the multi-player Patchwork people have been hankering for. Bought. Also for sale: one copy Caverna, lightly played.

NOT ALONE - asymmetric card game where one player is an alien trying to hunt down the scientists who crash landed on its planet. Simple but effective. This one was the surprise hit at Essen despite the lack of buzz beforehand. Bought.

Cottage Garden - the other Rosenberg game at the fair. Players collect variously shaped tiles from a market grid, trying to fill garden plots. It wasn't bad, but I didn't buy it as a friend did.

Wongamania: Banana Economy - the new international edition of WongaMania. Streamlined for faster play, and now with an advanced game mode where stocks and properties can have different values. Much improved and well worth buying. I didn't buy it myself as I own the original, but I managed to sell two copies to other people and was rewarded with a nifty Debtzilla pouch.

First Class - a card drafting tableau builder where you try to construct three train routes and move your engineers and train along them. Mechanically sound, but I think it favours player order hugely and in a game where you only pick 18 cards, the opportunity cost of passing on one to become first player is too high. Not bought.

Fabled Fruit - not quite a legacy card game, but close. You have six action cards and you use them to collect fruit. With the right fruit you can buy one of the cards, which come in stacks of four, and add a new card to the display. The legacy bit is that the cards are all numbered, and when you start a new game you fill the display with the first six action cards that were in play at the end of the last. There are something like 40 or 50 different actions and in our demo game we only got as high as 10, so it takes a lot of games to reset. I liked it, but I did not buy it. It'll do to fill out an order discount some other time.
Not posted for a while but played plenty of games recently including:

Elfenland - quite a fun game from the creator of Ticket to Ride where you use various modes of transport to travel around various elven cities collecting your meeples.

Biblios - essentially a card collecting game where the aim is to win dice and the player with the most points wins. Quite fun for 2-4 players

Ticket to Ride (US version) - still enjoy playing this and got quite lucky with some nice inter-connecting routes

7 Wonders (and Duel) - I like to go down the green card route

Twilight Struggle - a longish game and only 2 players but very strategic and great fun.
Three sessions this week, all with Spiel loot.

Wednesday: Colony (dice pool based tableau builder), Capital Lux (set collection, kind of like 4-suit blackjack with a dummy player that you're not allowed to beat), Noxford (card laying area control game). Finished off with a game of Boss Monster.

Saturday: Not Alone (see last post), Valley of the Kings: Last Rites (deckbuilding set collector, very nice), Capital Lux and Noxford again. Also played someone else's Velociraptor Cannibalism, which is not very good. Would have played Cthulhu Wars but I picked up the wrong box and left all the monsters at home.

Sunday: Love Letter Premium (expands the base game to 8 players, lots of new cards), A Feast For Odin (see above), then Love Letter again.
Got both Marvel: Legendary and Codenames - Pictures for my birthday on Saturday.

Not had a chance to play Codenames yet (have played the original) but have had a few games of Legendary and really enjoy it. My wife and I played a couple of 2 players games on Saturday and then we played a 5 player game with friends on Sunday.

It is a bit like a cross between Dominion and Pandemic but takes the best bits from both games. i.e. one thing I dislike about Pandemic is that every turn is chosen as a group and you don't really get much opportunity to play your own game. In Legendary you want to beat the game but also you can track your individual score.
Play the expansion for Lords of Waterdeep for the first time on Saturday (Skulls of something or other) and it took us just under 5 hours to play! Not sure I like the corruption. I got scr*wed over at the end, an opponent played a card to move someone else to a different building and they dropped me on the one full of corruption. I lose 50+ points all of a sudden...

Enjoyed Camel Up once again and Codenames too, which we've now all got better at checking against the words you don't want as well as the ones you do!
Pandemic. Never played before. Played 2 three player games on easy and lost horribly :D

We played a third and we won, but it was a hard fight. Can't imagine winning this on hard anytime soon..
Got both Marvel: Legendary and Codenames - Pictures for my birthday on Saturday.

I really enjoy Legendary as well, I recently bought the Dark City expansion - I think it's great because I'm not a massive Marvel fan, and most of the heroes in Dark City are still known to me (unlike the Secret Wars expansions who have a lot of characters I've never heard of!)
I really enjoy Legendary as well, I recently bought the Dark City expansion - I think it's great because I'm not a massive Marvel fan, and most of the heroes in Dark City are still known to me (unlike the Secret Wars expansions who have a lot of characters I've never heard of!)
It's good to know that the Dark City expansion is recommended, will have to add that to our wish list. We've got lots more plays left in the original but always good to have an expansion ready and waiting!

Do any of the rules change or is it simply adding new characters?
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