What game did you play last?

The Others

Players vs GM game. I.always feel its a bit unfair on the GM player as they have to keep.up.with everything the players are doing as well as figure out their own options. I usually avoid the role if possible.

Anyway, 3 vs 1 last night playing the Sloth sin. Went down to the wire and was a draw (which means players win).
Easy combat system and mechanics and i enjoyed it. Will definitely be in our rotation of regulars.
A lot of the difficulty depends on the GM (the Sin player) and how they think. Ours is particularly evil.

Also, a medium game of XCOM which i enjoyed especially after a few gins. I'm usually squad leader and the crisis cards were very much against us as was the enemy selection. We won. Just.
Playing some Star Wars Destiny at the moment. Combined card/dice game. Good fun though it is collectable and the boosters are out of stock in most places at the moment!
On Sunday I finally got my last unplayed game from Spiel to the table: The Great Zimbabwe. Mechanically simple, but there's zero luck and a hell of a lot of calculations to be done in the late game. Everyone enjoyed it, though.
Broke open Zombicide Black Plague Wolfsburg expansion last night. Took 4 attempts to clear map 1 as we played with tactics and got used to it.
Had to reign my character in as he nearly went red when everyone else was still yellow.
Broke open Zombicide Black Plague Wolfsburg expansion last night. Took 4 attempts to clear map 1 as we played with tactics and got used to it.
Had to reign my character in as he nearly went red when everyone else was still yellow.

We use to have this problem, then we realised the importance of the first player token :P
New Angeles. Board game based on Netrunner.

It is long (took four hours) and sort of a cross between Pandemic, Dead of Winter and Resistance. Very tense game at the very end where, with one turn to go, I revealed myself as the federalist and then watched the carnage as everyone tried to stop me from winning.
i got a few games played this weekend.

Plague inc(kickstarter): really enjoyed this had a four player game ,definetly better than the phone app,we enjoyed it so much we played it four times in a row!.

Terraforming mars: this is a great game that i havent had for long but it is already stacking up the plays,ive yet to play this with someone who doesn't like it after being introduced to it,always close games.

Xcom: this was a friends game he has been wanting us to play for awhile now ,however the group wasn't too interested in doing so. We caved in and gave it a go and must say it was far better than i expected and am looking forward to playing it again soon,lots of pressure due to time crunch and lack of resources,we only did the tutorial mission but we did win! wahoo

xenoshyft: dreadmire(kiskstarter) : recieved this a few days before the weekend, so we had a three player game of this, after the initial sorting all cards and rules and such we got going,we all really liked it even the guy who hates deck builders and tower defense!(loved is probably to strong for him he liked it) lots of equipment choices ,love how you go through waves of enemies trhat increase in dificulty and the fact the older wave cards that you purchase can be traded in for credits towards higher tiers,only had one game of this ,so will see how we get on with more games ,but for now i really like it.

Predator legendary encounter:(two player game) finally!!! we won! after 4 tries we finally won!,this game has made a few hate it due to its toughness but for me thats why i like it,i found someone willing to play and who likes tough games and we grinded it out ,on the 4th try we bagged our first win over the game ever! now onto movie 2!
The Others

Players vs GM game. I.always feel its a bit unfair on the GM player as they have to keep.up.with everything the players are doing as well as figure out their own options. I usually avoid the role if possible.

Anyway, 3 vs 1 last night playing the Sloth sin. Went down to the wire and was a draw (which means players win).
Easy combat system and mechanics and i enjoyed it. Will definitely be in our rotation of regulars.
A lot of the difficulty depends on the GM (the Sin player) and how they think. Ours is particularly evil.

can't wait to get my copy of sins to the table ,its all still all in shrink wrap on the shelf,it looks great and all the sins seem to add a different play style to the mix. i have heard that the power is more with the players than the dm but as you say that all comes down to how good your dm is or evil/nice!
Playing some Star Wars Destiny at the moment. Combined card/dice game. Good fun though it is collectable and the boosters are out of stock in most places at the moment!

Playing Destiny as well.

This is my first CCG - and I'm shocked already how much I've spent on it. Although I have been selling some of the more valuable legendary cards to make back some of the cost (hoping to pick them up again later when there are more in circulation and the prices hopefully drop).

I'm only playing with my GF, but it's great fun and a welcome alternative to our other deck based game, Android: Netrunner.
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Played our first game of Pandemic today - we won pretty easily although we were maybe a couple of turns away from losing as we concentrated on the cures rather than fire fighting of the viruses. We will up the difficulty on the next time and see what happens. Some of the roles abilities were pretty OP i.e. the Researcher and the Operations engineer.
Got Imhotep and 7 Wonders Duel for Christmas along with Codenames!

Played Imhotep last night and it was great fun! Fairly light but decent amount of strategy/attempting to out think your opponents :)
Very boring I'm afraid, Monopoly at xmas :D

Got the hump with board games atm. I thought the old ones were all rubbish and worthless so a couple of months back I threw out a mint unpainted and boxed Heroquest game that I had as a kid but never played once.

Just found out that mint copies from the 80's can go for over £100 :mad:
I got King of New York for Christmas, my brother got Lanterns and I got him Camel Up Super Cup.

If you really want, you can see what I've recently played here.

We played quite a but of Lanterns, quick, simple fun. Mind you, the last game (we played 3 or 4) we realised we'd got a rule wrong, about picking up the favour when matching any special tile, not just the one you put down. Oh well, still a good game.

Couple of games of Super Cup. I really like Camel Up and this expansion seems pretty good, adding a few more elements such as positional betting and supplemental dice. Really adds an extra layer to the game.

I liked King of New York, a little tricky to get into initially, but fun once we got going. I went into Manhatten second and the experienced King of Tokyo player says to me 'You'll be dead very quick...' but somehow I lasted, and would have won if I'd properly thought about what I was doing (I have 19 victory points as someone passed the 20).

We then played King of Tokyo to show ho much simpler it is. Wow, a lot simpler! I won this one though. Good fun.

Wasn't a big fan of Mysterium. Maybe I just didn't really get it. Maybe it's more fun for the ghost.

Love Letter was okay for a quick blast.

Splendor is still the favourite quick, simple game at the moment though. Played a couple more games of that too.
We got Cash n Guns, Obama Llama and Zombie Dice for Christmas.

Cash n Guns and Obama Llama are both quite fun party games. Zombie Dice is a very quick dice rolling game and even our 3 year old was playing with us.

We also played 5 Tribes for the first time on Sunday which was very enjoyable. We all used quite different tactics and came out with quite similar scores which was interesting. Looking forward to playing it again.

We also played a few mores games of Plague Inc. Having only played 2 players before, it was noticeable how much different (and slower!) the 4 player game was. Still really enjoyable though.
I recently played Snow Tails which was better than I expected. It was 5 players and we all grasp the slightly strange movement rules really quickly and shot around the race course. Love the feeling when you finally get moving fast, only to find you're going to smash a wall as you hit a corner :D
Unfortunately one player couldn't understand how it worked after multiple explainations (he's usually pretty good with other games!). Just kept delaying the game and complaining the whole time which was a shame.

Also got Mascarade. Played once 2 player - surprisingly tactical! - and once with 4 players for the more chaotic fun :)
In the past few weeks (that i can remember )..

Spyfall: Enjoyed this a lot but not so good for younger people as you need life experience and an idea of what various jobs people do.

Codenames Pictures: Liked the original and the more adult oriented one, this not so much but it was okay.

Qwirkle: Played a lot of this and its pretty good for something so basic.

Infiltration: Get in, get the points, get out before the timer expires. Card game of sorts. Got it for the missus as she played it once and loved it a few years ago. Bit overpriced but enjoyable.
Had my first game of Mechs vs Minions yesterday, only played through the tutorial but what a well produced game, yes it cost £70 but compared to other games such as Descent & Mansions of Madness its a world apart.

the game itself is simple at first glance but it gets tactical if you want to actually do well with a bit of luck thrown in, I'm really looking forward to more plays of it too see how the gameplay changed over time.
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