What game did you play last?

Had a game of colt express this afternoon with the wife and eldest and a game of jaipur with the eldest as she's off school with what was a stomach bug but she came back to life after lunch.

Picked up colt express cheap on amazon.de but needed English instructions, very impressed with the game a nice mix of luck and planning especially when you play your moves face down.

saw that for 20 francs in switzerland in one store whilst others had it at 50 but didn't pick it up.

Bought agricola which is quite fun but we played without the cards because my german is to bad and I couldn't find english translations of all the cards online and they weren't ordered very well on the pdf's I found anyway so it would have slowed the game down a lot.

Bought Nords and set the board up but the rules seemed to much of a head ache so we will try it some other time.

Bought "my village" which seems okay but we only had one game so far.

played settlers of catan with the sea expansion a few times which was quite fun but not so much with just me and my partner.

Thinking of picking up pandemic legacy to take over there when I go back
Yesterday we played Sushi Go, and Exploding Kittens (both Christmas presents). First time playing them and we thoroughyl enjoyed them. Not really played a lot of card games, we mainly stick to traditional board games, but these were good fun and not too long. I now have a wish-list on Amazon for a load of new games to get :).
I played Descent with the new Road to Legend app running the overlord player & have to say I think it is the best way to play descent second edition, it really works well beside the occasional need to look up rules here & there I was very impressed would recommend it!
I played Descent with the new Road to Legend app running the overlord player & have to say I think it is the best way to play descent second edition, it really works well beside the occasional need to look up rules here & there I was very impressed would recommend it!

I'm really looking forward to the Imperial Assault app too... I have Descent and agree its a great app I just need to get it to the table more.
had a game of potion explosion yesterday with the family, didn't think the youngest (4) would fully get it but she did surprisingly well and I was very impressed with how the eldest (9) got on with the game but she has always been a very logical thinker.
Over the weekend:

Red Dragon Inn: Our starter game of choice on a Friday night. 1 alcohol = 1 slug of drink.

Plague Inc: Only my 2nd game. Very simple to pick up and very good (came last again).

Secret Hitler: Limited replay value in my eyes but it was fun and Hitler did very well even if there was no winner (as 4 players were killed) in the end.

Cards Against Humanity: This is something we finish the night off with when everyone has drunk enough. Still gets a lot of laughs (thanks to all the expansions).

The Meta-Game: I like this as it involves on the fly thinking. Some nice silly arguments on how Riverdance kicks ass and the word Squishy can be used to define certain events (we all have sick minds).

Escape From Colditz: Never played it before and enjoyed it. We cut it short as people had to leave but would play it again.
Escape From Colditz: Never played it before and enjoyed it. We cut it short as people had to leave but would play it again.
Has this been re-released? I have an original copy at home from over 30 years ago, still boxed and wrapped in bubble wrap :). It's great fun planning escape routes.
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Someone's got a copy of Escape From Colditz 2016 in shrink on the Board Games & Roleplaying Games UK sales Facebook group. He's asking £35 if anyone's curious.

Played The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire on Tuesday. I didn't like it much, but we played with five and I think that was a contributing factor. I hated Rococo with five but enjoyed it more with three. Some games are just better at lower than maximum count.
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