What game did you play last?

yeah sure it is ;). (thats what I am telling the wife anyway)
Our two player game with the wife and myself lasted 3 hours inc breaks due to the fact she had never played it and it's been over 20 years since I last played. She collected that many cards she was OP before she went to the middle region, she could have gone there a lot sooner. I guess we will have to play it and see how long it takes. :D
Eminent Domain. My partner keeps wiping the floor with me on this one lately. Need a rematch this weekend to finally beat her :D
The community centre where we regularly meet had its first monthly gaming day on Sunday afternoon and asked us to help, so we had a long day. Many games of Crokinole were played, along with Dream Home, Love Letter, Celestia and Magic Maze. In the evening we carried on and I played Lisboa with one table while the other binged on the new Flash Point expansions, then we came together to finish off with Kobayakawa.
Played both Android Netrunner and Zombicide for the first time last night.

The former was a little tricky as the owner hadn't played for a while, and we maybe got a few bits wrong. We packed it in after an hour and a half - but I think I was winning :D

Zombicide was more fun - although there were some silly mistakes which, in hindsight we maybe wouldn't make again. The searching mechanic seems a little overpowered for the player - so it got house-ruled - and that made it significantly tougher. Not sure how we managed to get out of there, but it was good fun! I think we were assisted by the fact we ran out of minis - we need to read up on how that works RAW!
Terraforming Mars
Resource generating board game which you then use to play cards and tiles. Enjoyed it once it got going.
Could compare it to 7 Wonders where you concentrate on different areas I guess.
Pandemic Legacy Season 2

Played quite a few games over the weekend. As expected a lot of fun. We are in April of the campaign and lost two games already, though the last one was super close and came down to bad luck when drawing from the infection deck as otherwise the next player had it won. In the first season we had won every game until June, so this is proving to be a bit more challenging for us.

If you enjoyed the first season, you will likely enjoy this one also. But keep in mind this one has quite a few changes so it will take time to get up to date on rules. I was expecting it to be a bit easier to pick up and play having played season 1.
Awesome. Really looking forward to playing it (potentially next Sunday afternoon) and destroying some cards.
We misread a rule in season 1 and didn't realise until August. Think it caused us to lose a few extra games in the process as we inadvertently made the game harder.
Spent all day yesterday playing Spiel loot.

Topiary - light filler about viewing trees. Simple but with a lot of interaction and tactics.
Master of Orion - picked this up after missing it last year. It calls itself "The Board Game" but it's primarily a card based tableau builder with personal action boards.
Iquazu - medium-light crad driven area control game about stashing gems behind a waterfall. My favourite game from Spiel 2017 so far, this will hit the table quite a bit I think.
Okanagan - A better version of Carcassonne, where players are encouraged to complete each other's regions. Wrecked by bad scoring, though; if you get three goals which synergise you win, end of.
Photosynthesis - more trees. The scoring is bad, and while the mechanics are good they're also opaque enough that you cannot see when something is a mistake.
Altiplano - the sequel to Orleans, starring Derpy the Alpaca. I'm quite disappointed in it so far, but I'm willing to give it more chances.

Still to play: Noria, Chimera Station, Dragonsgate College, Tadmor, Charterstone, Timebomb Evolution, Pocket Mars, Riga, Perfect Hotel, Sakura Hunt, Samhain, What's Up.
Have been playing lots of Cave vrs Cave against my GF, very enjoyable, caverna wont come out now unless there is company.

And Gloomhaven arrived, now I think the floor in my flat is bowing. it should have weight warning stickers on the outside!
Send help, I am trapped in a Charterstone campaign. Two more games last night and we might have squeezed in a third, people just don't want to stop at one play.

Also played Barenpark (good), Timebomb Evolution (less good but fun), and on Wednesday another game of Barenpark then Dragonsgate College, a dice drafting game about sending Harry Potter to certain death.
Massive Darkness got an outing last night.
Map 5 random monster screwed us over with its defence rolls (had extra armour and we had no time to level up as that map is pretty much a dash to the exit)
Massive Darkness got an outing last night.
Map 5 random monster screwed us over with its defence rolls (had extra armour and we had no time to level up as that map is pretty much a dash to the exit)

Played the tutorial and mission 1 recently and enjoyed the game. Can be brutal if you get some of the tougher monsters early on.
Finally got Noria to the table. Mechanically it's very clever, but scoring lacks a bit and the latter half of the game is basically seeing who was able to best position themselves with respect to the politics. Not awful, but not worth the hype either.
Now up to game 6 of Charterstone, which is the midpoint of the campaign. Most of the rules appear to be in place now, and something hilarious happened. I'm still not sure how replayable it will be after game 12 finalises the setup, but 12 plays is good VFM for any game. I can strongly recommend it to anyone who can put the same 4-6 players together on a regular basis.
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