What game did you play last?

Me and the wife have played Pandemic the last two nights since getting it for Christmas.

First night we lost, primarily because my shuffling was bad and we drew out hubs which caused outbreaks far too fast. Second time we won pretty handily in the end, made good use of the character abilities.

I found it a little easy the second time we got the deal right. I get the feeling that if you get a spread deal it should be pretty easy to win most times.

Supposed to be having a board game night tonight if it ends up happening probably have some more Pandemic, maybe Zombicide and eventually try Dracula’s Feast.
Hehe pandemic is great but not easy... you should pick up the legacy version it's awesome. How you did in the last game affects the next!
Got Civilization: A New Dawn for Christmas and we played on Wednesday. A very different experience to the typical FFG game, practically Euro-esque. The action row is very well implemented; the longer you go without taking an action it increases in strength or flexibility, but there are mechanisms which can reward taking actions early. Looking forward to playing again.
Wife and I purchased Agricole just before Christmas. We sat down to play it after reading, what you can call - interesting instructions. We didn't even get a game going as as far as we saw there was no proper in depth way to set out the cards etc. So we put it all away for another day. After youtubing the game I noticed that the stage cards are laid out on the board, but the rules didn't say this. Anyway we got a game going and really enjoyed it. I carried on youtubing and visiting BGG to find out more game play tips and things. We found out we played a rule wrong first time around. At harvest we added an animal for each pair of sheep we had or pigs etc instead of just one of each type. Didn't really make a massive difference to the scoring. Really really good game and the other day I played with 3 people so some more action cards and other cards came into play. That was good. The other two people playing was their first time so it took a bit longer to play it. One of them couldn't grasp the concept of having to have food at the end of the harvests and not go all out to make the best farm eg, lots of rooms and trying to make pastures to get cattle. He said it's wasting turns to plow, get grain/veg and then sow. In his eyes it's 3 turns to get 1 food. He did say it probably take a few goes to get used to it. Myself and the wife got it after the second go. I think another game is on the cards tonight once I finish work.
loved Agricole, great game, once the rules are comprihended, which takes some work, as u say theyre lacking in points its good fun.

Received a game called Urbino for christmas, wooden game, met the designer at Essen Spiel this year. great game, requires chess level thinking for play, its good fun. link below is the game designers page
Had friends over for some gaming at the weekend.

Robo Rally
Massive Darkness
Terraforming Mars

Rhino Hero
Quick card tower building game. Managed 12 stories before it fell over.

Jackbox Party Pack
Via Steam hooked up to TV via laptop (local network only) but all players use phones or tablets to play party games. Very silly and chessy with lots of laughs, terrible drawing skills and trivia.
Highly recommended for 4 or more people.
Jackbox Party Pack
Via Steam hooked up to TV via laptop (local network only) but all players use phones or tablets to play party games. Very silly and chessy with lots of laughs, terrible drawing skills and trivia.
Highly recommended for 4 or more people.

Played this over Xmas, Trivia Murder Party was our favourite :D
Finally got to carry on with Charterstone on Sunday. We only played one game instead of the usual two because there were a couple of cancellations and there were only two people not playing. After that I played The Bloody Inn (second play) and Riga, reducing my unplayed Spiel queue to one: Mai-Star, which I only bought because I needed a replacement giant bag from AEG.
edit: Do'h, need to wake up more lol

tabletop... Shadowrun and Vampire (Masquerade not Requiem) were the last two i played before christmas :D
Playing plenty of Pandemic with the wife at the mo. Most evenings we are having a game and now we are playing with the correct rules it’s blinking tough!
Still addicted the Pandemic:The Cure which my GF got me for Christmas - only just started to get into board games so don't have much else ... yet. :D

Bought Forbidden Desert which was great fun - really am enjoying the coop games.

Then played Eldritch Horror which was a huge step up in complexity - a bit too much actually as I think i am destined to play that one solo.
No problem, Eldritch Horror is fine played solo with four Investigators.

It's really not that complex, though. There's only seven actions you can take even with the expansions (Rest, Shop, Prepare, Travel, Focus, Trade, and component actions), two of them can't be taken in an area with a monster, and every goal is "go here and do X". If you like it, make sure to get the Forsaken Lore expansion - without it the GOOs will become very samey very quickly.

Had to put the final push of Charterstone on hold for a week as someone couldn't make it. Instead we played London 2E (very good tableau builder), Barenpark, and Master of Orion: The Board Game (which doesn't have a board, it's another tableau builder).
So, nobody has played a game in a week and a half or are we all lazy? :D

My Sunday group now up to the final game of Charterstone, and everyone has really enjoyed it. At my Wednesday group we played Dogs of War and The Bloody Inn.
Legacy game weekend coming up for us.
Pandemic season 2 which we finally get to start. Been looking forward to it since it was announced.
And Charterstone on your recommendation.
It's been a busy week for us, gaming wise.

Plenty of Carcassonne. A few games of Agricola (the next game we play will have all the cards in. I have shuffled ALL the corresponding decks, so will get a mix of Basic, E and Complex cards). We got exploding Kittens and had a few games of that 2 player and 5 player last night, Oh did a 5 player Carcassonne too. That was brutal. We played Shadow Hunter for the first time. Never heard of it but what a great game that is. I purchased, Terraforming Mars, Ticket to Ride Europe and MtG duel deck to try that out with the wife. Ticket is on the play list tonight, possibly Mars too if she doesn't stay out to late.

A new gaming venue opened up near me. So had a lesson on Netrunner. I enjoyed that too. Tao Long was another game I played. Seemed very confusing at the start (basic game) but once you get to know the movement mechanic it's great, really strategic.

Very nearly added Pandemic Legacy S1 to my cart and also Viticulture. I think they will have to wait till next month.

X-wing is another that I will be getting and I think I will get that Monday. My friend ha a lesson on it and he loved it. I am sure I will too, hence the getting it on Monday :)
Really enjoying Terraformng Mars, it's become a regular now.

Played 3 games of Charterstone. The production quality us amazing, well worth the price I paid. Game is good too, so many ways to lead or catch up with other players. My little village of Soylent is coming along nicely.

Pandemic season 2 is brutal. Into March now and it's bleak already due to the cards coming out. Very different from season 1 (which is a must buy).
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