What game did you play last?

Played a new game at games night last night. Splendor.

Really enjoyed it. Starts off slow, but by the last few rounds you gather a lot of cards very quickly. Quality of the game is lovely, the tokens are heavyweight poker chips, card parts are nice and thick and the cards are nicely cut and feel pretty good quality.

Seriously tempted to buy a copy as it's only £20 and would go quite nicely with the copies of Azul and Sagrada we picked up recently.
Had a night and played another game of Catan, this time with the 5-6 player expansion and as always had an awesome time. Then played rhino hero for the kids. Was going to crack open Camel Up but on doing so released they've shipped me the German copy :p got a pdf of the rules offline but by that point couldn't be bothered so left it to another night.
How is Reykholt? I've looked at it, and Uwe Rosenberg is a name designer, but I didn't think it was in the same group as Stone Age.

@No1newts - 1st edition Camel Up or 2nd?

Played Tokaido and Iquazu with a couple of light gamer friends last night. They enjoyed both.
We only played a couple of games but it’s nice and easy to pick up. Less meat on the bones to Stone Age which is also pretty easy going. As we played 3 player the top row of actions was blocked off and we only played with set A and B cards. I’m interested to see how it plays with some gamer folks from work.

The cards are a weird size but I did eventually find some sleeves for them. The components are nice though :D
Long Easter weekend spent having with friends

  • Lords of Waterdeep
  • Roll For It
  • Epic Spell Wars
  • Camel Up
  • Wits and Wagers
  • Word Whimsy
  • Colt Express
  • Call to Adventure
  • Lanterns
  • Elder Sign
  • Dead of Winter: Warring Colonies
  • Can't remember the others

Really enjoyed Call to Adventure and Epic Spell Wars so will own them at some point (should have backed Call to Adventure).

Edit: Call to Adventure ordered, thought it would be more expensive
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Played Mmmm after being inspired to buy with how much fun the family has with Rhino Hero and it was a blast as well, first game we just lost second we won with the last roll of the game so really tense and fun.

Then played Catan, my seven year old is mad for it and whilst at times we have to be a little less cut throat with him than we would with normal adults it still flows well and he thoroughly adores it. Chatters none stop the while way through about wanting to do trade deals with people :p

Fun night but didn't get round to Zombie City or Think Hero as we've literally just finished and my daughter had gave in at 9 and crashed into bed.
Barenpark. Stumbled across some reviews for it online which peaked our interest. Cute theme, good fun and different from anything we've played before. Liking the Tetris elements and there are a few different strategies to explore.
Me and my niece played a few games of On Tour, one of many Kickstarter backed projects.

It's a very simple game that you can play pretty much anywhere with enough space to roll 2 dice.
The game consists of:
  • Fold-up boards for 4 players each with a map of the US broken up into states and the map also colour coded by regions (north, south, east, central & west).
  • Cards that each name a US states and the region where that state is (e.g. The card for North Carolina also says East).
  • Some dry wipe markers with eraser pads on the lids.
  • Two D10 dice.
  • A short rules document.
The small amount of resources makes it a pretty good option for a travel game.

The initial was super quick, taking less than 5 minutes and playing the game took about 20 minutes.
The game doesn't have a lot of depth to it (expected with it being a short game with very few parts to it) but it's good for a quick game to finish off a gaming session or to clear your head between some more complicated games.
Barenpark. Stumbled across some reviews for it online which peaked our interest. Cute theme, good fun and different from anything we've played before. Liking the Tetris elements and there are a few different strategies to explore.

There's an expansion due out in a couple of months. It's called The Bad News Bears in English, Die Grizzlies Sind Los! in German. Adds a new type of bear (grizzlies, that come in 6-space enclosures), new objective tiles, and a monorail that runs over your park.

Last night I got my first play of Escape Plan. Medium-heavy game about robbers trying to escape a city with their ill-gotten gains after a big heist. It's quite frontloaded with rules, but once you start it plays very nicely.
Off to a board game cafe tomorrow for my birthday so hope to get through a few different games.
Dice Boardgame Lounge, Portsmouth.

6 of us so if anyone has any suggestions let me know or anything they have always wanted to play, they might have it in their library (approx 200 games) .
Me and my niece played a few games of On Tour, one of many Kickstarter backed projects.

It's a very simple game that you can play pretty much anywhere with enough space to roll 2 dice.
The game consists of:
  • Fold-up boards for 4 players each with a map of the US broken up into states and the map also colour coded by regions (north, south, east, central & west).
  • Cards that each name a US states and the region where that state is (e.g. The card for North Carolina also says East).
  • Some dry wipe markers with eraser pads on the lids.
  • Two D10 dice.
  • A short rules document.
The small amount of resources makes it a pretty good option for a travel game.

The initial was super quick, taking less than 5 minutes and playing the game took about 20 minutes.
The game doesn't have a lot of depth to it (expected with it being a short game with very few parts to it) but it's good for a quick game to finish off a gaming session or to clear your head between some more complicated games.

I was going to pick this up but missed the Kickstarter finish by mistake :p

Had a game of City of Zombies with the kids again, enjoyed as always but we had some terrible dice rolls and lost pretty handily. Got Out of the Woods on Kickstarter ages ago and just never got round to playing it, had a game with the wife the other night and it is beautiful artwork and a really fast and fun game based heavily up the card game Switch. Really fun, played about 3 rounds in 15-20mins and thoroughly enjoyed it, would be fun for a good sized group as well.
Been playing Pandemic and 7 Winders Duel with the girlfriend. Going down well so far, just need to pick out a few more 2 player games. Unfortunately none of our friends are interested !
Played Historia for the first time in a while on Sunday. Went unopposed into Wonders and so I won handily, although I was run close (within 20) by the guy who went for expansion with a nice small wonder engine. Only four players so we didn't use the Americas, though.
Played some new things yesterday. The highlight was Tiny Towns, which just came out this week. Players take it in turns to choose one of five resources that everyone must place one of onto an empty space on their 4x4 grid. If you form certain patterns, you remove the resources from the board and replace one of them with a building from a common set of seven or a single private card. This frees up more space for more buildings. When nobody can play any more, you add up the points. It's a very neat and quick game, the six randomised building types offer a lot of variety to the puzzle. Worth looking at.
Played a few games with kids and extended family. City of Zombies, Ticket to Ride First Journey, Uno and Catan, my son who is 7 adores Catan and can rarely have a game session now without it :p
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