What game did you play last?

Played a number of games since the end of last year....

Long Shot - The Dice Game (horse racing game)
No Thanks (simple card collecting game for everyone)
Fungi (set collecting card game with mushrooms)
Village Green (another card game, creating a 3x3 garden)
Sushi Go Party (Sushi Go but with more cards and options of play)

I'm currently waiting for somewhere to get Heat: Pedal to the Metal back in stock.
I'm currently waiting for somewhere to get Heat: Pedal to the Metal back in stock.

I've played and own Flamme Rouge, and they seem very similar games.

Played Mind this afternoon with some folk at work on lunchbreak, was quite a fun little card game!

I've also just finished painting my next batch of minis for The War of the Ring board game - its taking me ages and I'm very much an amateur painter but they are turning out alright so far! Have probably completed around 25 minis....only perhaps another 180 or so to go! I am enjoying it but sometimes it can be a bit of a slog, will be really proud when they are all done.
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Had a quick game of Codex Naturalis yesterday. Very simple card laying game with multiple scoring options but I forgot about the bonus cards so lost by a long way.

Picked up Skyrim. I figured completing the board game would be quicker than re-installing it and the mods.
It's co-op and you are a member of the Blades. Main story and side quests and a hell of a lot of tokens and cards from what I can see.
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Games I've played lately which I really enjoyed are as follows:

Spirit Island - Fantastic game either with others or solo, and actually quite difficult (or we're incompetent, just as likely).
Ark Nova - I love games with loads of cards. The turn system is interesting as it keeps changing the strength of each option. And who doesn't like building a zoo filled with lions, giraffes and elephants? Turns out me, I couldn't get the cards I wanted so my zoo consisted of a goat, a sheep and a badger.
Superclub - A good football manager game which was also enjoyed by spouses who don't like football so a big plus!
Through the ages - if you have time and enjoy civilisation builders, just get this. It's phenomenal, with a card river that keeps moving and NEVER enough resources to do everything you want. Also a steam version of the game which is the best board game adaptation I've played.

Hallertau and Pulsar 2849 are my next games up, and looking forward to them.
Was FBGCon yesterday so spent a good 10 hours playing games.

Verdant - New game to us. It's a nice and simple tile laying puzzle game.
Nanty Narking - Now played it a few times. It's the old Discworld Ankh Morpork with a victorian london re-theme. Area control card playing game with some cool minis.
Old London Bridge - Nice and simple puzzle game
Flamecraft - Here be dragons! Nice strategy game with fantastic artwork.
Space Base - A game I really enjoy, but am absolutely terrible at. I'll boost positions 6, 7, 8.. and those numbers will never get rolled again...

Wasn't allowed to buy anything at the bring and buy sale there... BOOO! So, when I nipped into town to get out lunch, I popped into friendly local game shop and bought Sub Terra II. Loophole found! ;) Yes, I know that the Sub Terra II kickstarter is a complete poop-show. No backers will be getting their games it seems, but it's available in stores...

Great day was had.
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Terraforming Mars is good - I've played a few games of the physical copy (owned by a friend) and also the steam version (bought because I enjoyed the physical copy so much) and the board game is SO much better

If you like that, try and get a game or two of Ark Nova in, cracking game.
Terraforming Mars is good - I've played a few games of the physical copy (owned by a friend) and also the steam version (bought because I enjoyed the physical copy so much) and the board game is SO much better

If you like that, try and get a game or two of Ark Nova in, cracking game.
TM is a great game. I love it to bits. I will admit to something though. I have not got the expansions yet, BUT I will get them over the next few months, money a little tight right now. I was desperate to play them to see what they are like so I downloaded the tabletop simulator mod for Tm and all expansions, and printed all the boards, rules and cards etc. I basically have the full lot inc promos and a few fan expansions. naughty I know but I am getting the real deals eventually.
6 player game of Cosmic Encounter. Every time I play this game it justifies to me why it is the best of all that board games can be. Was absolutely epic and had a blast playing it. Its a really good social interaction game and we had so many laughs. You don't play that game to win, you play it to have fun.
Oh, I thought it worked best from 4 up? I play quite a few games with Mrs Turnip, and we have a couple friends who play as well, but one of them probably wouldn't be too interested in this. If it works at 3, you might have just made me spend money I definitely wasn't going to spend
There is Cosmic Encounter Duel (2 player version of the game) but I am not sure how well that works.
Star Wars The Deckbuilding Game. A bit like Star Realms but with some slight differences and a Star Wars theme. I really like it.
No Thanks. Great simple party game
Love Letter. Card game with a bit of deduction. Quite good for 4+ players.
Ticket to Ride Europe. Had it a while and only just played it. Good fun family game, easy to pick up and get into but no real interaction between players.
Arboretum. 2 player set collecting card game based around trees. My borther an I enjoy it but it isn't the most exciting game to play.

Finally managed to get a copy of Heat: Pedal to the Metal, so hoping to play that soon.
Doom Machine (Solo), first game lost :E i cant math right and look a step ahead :/ - Took the plunge and ordered a few things from GameCrafter, i can easily see this one traveling with me to office its so small. its a nice little things.

Started "Pandemic : The Cure" but need to come back to this. more just learning rules so i can play wih the family.

i was at a toss up on Heat and Downforce. and ended up going the downforce route, ut may pick up hea later for its slightly more complicated mechanics depends on family though. Heat at least has a Solo mode.
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