What have you done to your car today?

Changed pads and disks and filed pads properly to allow them to back off. Old ones were really tight. Seems to roll freer now and normal commute with 15mins of 5mph traffic means I did the 76 miles today with 81mpg. Quite pleased with that.
Re-attached my Clubsport splitter. Seems they don't like being dragged down really steep driveways lol.

Also managed to knock the ski hatch through and get a subwoofer properly wired up to the standard 16:9 nav unit/BM54 module. The difference is astounding, I can't believe BMW sell £30k+ cars with that horrid standard sound system!

Just need to clean up the wiring, clean up the ski hatch surround, mount the amp to the bottom of the parcel shelf and I'll be in business.
Soooo, Sat in my car wondering where my phone charger cable as gone and noticed a little compartment on the underside of the steering wheel.

BAM! £17 in there!



Not mine, so must have been from the previous owner. Always thought i could hear something metal rattling about :D

So my car actually cost me £2883 :cool:

A) how on earth did you not see that
B) how on earth did you not HEAR that
C) why on earth didn't the previous owner take it out?

Either way, good work.. I guess :p
This reminds me, there's a USB stick stuck in the centre bulk area of my console because it fell in there while I was faffing about with the front ashtray removing bits and I could not reach it when it fell and got stuck.

It contains a Firefox Portable profile with other files and stuff so would not want that falling into the next owner's hands!
Nah <3

I thought I was lucky when someone lifted the rear seats at the first southern meet I took it to and found £1.50 :p
Soooo, Sat in my car wondering where my phone charger cable as gone and noticed a little compartment on the underside of the steering wheel.

BAM! £17 in there!

Not mine, so must have been from the previous owner. Always thought i could hear something metal rattling about :D

So my car actually cost me £2883 :cool:


used to love that wee compartment.
Had the rear windows tinted on my wife's Zafira yesterday. £120 for a 35% grade (medium). Looks factory, not too dark but enough to keep the sun out. Happy :)
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