Strictly speaking not today, but during last week - Painted brake calipers.
They looked a bit daft with large alloys previously.
First thing that I've ever really done to my own car, so probably not up to motors standards but I'm a lot happier.
EDIT: Took me approx 2 hours per corner to loosen the bolts (nearly sheared a heavy duty wheel wrench), wire brush, de-grease, rinse, paint, mask and then re-attach wheels.
Painted calippers with black hammerite (only non moving parts)
Provided me with a good opportunity to properly clean the inside of the alloys and give the tyres a good inspection, found a half inch nail embedded near the inner tyre wall on one corner, which fortunately did no further damage (although monitoring pressures more now) and also a sharp graphite type stone engrained into a brand spanking new tyre, left a very nasty mark but would've done more damage over the tyre's life span if I'd left it!