Bought & fitted new battery
Basically... I work nights.. Sunday night to Thursday night so today (Friday) is day one of the weekend.
Now I use my electric pushbike to commute the 4 miles-ish to work each night so today is the first time she's been fired up to take the missus shopping.
Whilst "er-indoors" is doing the necessaries I sit in the car and try and deafen the car park with "Da-Ch00nZ" which also makes sure no twa -er- Pilchards park their fekkin cars next to mine and dent my doors !
Unfortunately half way through a pumping choon everything went kind of fuzzy and died out. Hit the starter
Hahahahha. "oh Fusk - the missus is going to kill me" !!
Fortunately my works depot is only just across that suicidal freeway, y'know.. 2 minutes by car. But I aint going try and leg it across there so it's a half hour run round the cycleway. Workmate gives me lift back and jump starts my car. Unfortunately "er-indoors" hs beaten me and "aint best pleased" at being left standing there locked out of the car ! (I forgot to bring my phone with me)
So a new battery was immediately purchased with a flea in my ear about my poxy tunes !!
It's a hard life being a young old bar-steward !!
Last battery was about 7 years old so aint done bad and was probably OEM.
Cost £69.99 from Millfield Autos