What have you done to your car today?

Those wheels are much better Fox :)

Do you still have your e39 or has it gone?

E39 was most useful as a wheel and tyre carrier today :)

Looking much better Fox :) end up finding a set for reasonable money then? And any more thoughts about going for the M Sport bumpers?

Yea it wasn't bad, I was able to find a nearly new set with no tyres which was beneficial as nobody wants a set without tyres and it meant I was free to pick my own tyres. I'll probably do the bumpers next, they are so cheap (other than the 600 quid worth of 'retrofit kit' you need for the front, tho it does include skirts) that it's silly not to really.

Really happy with the car - it's excellent. Hopefully taking it on a road trip to Germany just after Christmas :D
You can put a set of much needed winter tyres on your old set now :D Only jk. They look very nice indeed.

So how much will changing the wheels/bumpers save in comparison to the extra an M Sport would have demanded over your SE?
When I bought it, an M Sport was £5k more (There was nothing this side of 25k in the spec I wanted), so well under half the price to just buy the bits at a later date. As my car has the Dynamic pack fitted it has the black headlining, high gloss shadowline, sport seats etc as standard anyway so wheels and bumpers should see the job done.
[TW]Fox;27074239 said:
Changed my wheels:



Also, moved to Eagle F1 Assymetric 2's :)

That's better.
Revved the V8 for some local kids who asked if I could, cleaned my four chrome exhausts, took everything out of the boot and gave it a good clean, also cleaned under the bonnet and got the aircon system steralised and recharged.

Tomorrow - clay bar time :)
Excuse the "Cut and Paste" from an Audi site but Here's what I did today -

IanH said:
Well that was an "experience" :D

Many many many thanks to Paz and Seb for a day of hooning, petrol stations and very nearly some tears! After meet with Seb first thing and enjoying the delights of my SatNav taking us via so many little country lanes and stopping for petrol (a common theme of the day) we finally met up with Paz in his Clio for breakfast with Paz coming over all Santa Clausey and bringing some presents (thanks!).

After an hour chat/catch up/feeding we trusted in Sebs "brain" SatNav to take us into the Brecon Beacons, although after a very short time it became apparent that his brain needed updating! :D We became split up at one point with Seb and Paz heading back to the start point and my SatNav taking me through the deepest darkest Welsh version of Deliverance Country until I emerged 20mins later with my bum cherry only just intact!

After gathering ourselves back at the start point we headed back into the Beacons and I headed straight into a ditch! Luckily I only got the near side alloys dirty as I took a left bend a little too sharp and caught the inner grass verge which dragged me into a small drainage ditch (about 12in deep) for about 10m. After flashing my lights at Paz and seeing his acknowledgement of my incident I was heartened to see both Paz and Seb adopt the Top Gear adage of buggering off and leaving me behind :D Although to be fair I was quite shook up, there was nowhere to stop and both Seb and Paz did start to come back for me after finding a car park to stop in.

As I crawled into the car park at 10mph fearing the worst it very quickly became evident that I'd had a lucky escape and had only got the alloys a bit dirty and filled the grill with leaves! After a round of micky taking we headed back off through the beacons a few times before heading back for lunch back at our start point.

After Lunch we decided to head back as by now it was 3pm and we'd all been driving around 8hrs so far. After yet another Petrol stop (65L in about 150miles) we said Goodbye to Paz as Seb and Myself headed back via Gloucester via some awesome dual carriage ways.

After spending 20mins cleaning the mud off my car I finally could look back at an extremely fun filled and incident prone day.

The highlights for me were how well Paz's Clio handled over the Beacons even on worn tyres, the drive back on RS Turf (wide A roads) and virtually everytime Seb decided to go mental and overtake anything & everything in his way - He's a very committed driver! :D

Here's my Pics -




err, really?

After the very tight and twisty B roads in Brecon which, unsurprisingly aren't very "2 ton RS" friendly, the wide Single and Dual Carriage ways of the A40 were a great way of releasing all 500hp without fearing for my life!

However for the guy in the Clio is was the other way around!
Actually done some work on the car finally (been busy lately), changed the slam panel as it was rusty and I got a spare for free from a friend.




Very simple and quick job which I chose to make it last a couple hours as I previously fitted an uprated light loom and wanted to give it a better run and tidy up. Also found one of my home built projector lamps has a split in the seal so it's letting in water at the top, resulting in this:


Obviously not ideal but it's easy to strip it down and fix the leak.
However for the guy in the Clio is was the other way around!

One of the best times I ever had in a car was a 106 GTi in the Scottish Highlands along the single track twisty country lanes in and around Glen Coe. I imagine the Beacons is the same. Time and place for every car and small pokey hatchbacks are great for the middle of nowhere in the Highlands once you're off the A roads. I'd be reluctant to do it in an RS or M car because I don't think I'd be able to control the loud pedal and you wouldn't be able to enjoy the car to it's fullest. Sure, it'd still be fun, but it'd be a lot more fun on bigger roads where you can really let it stretch it's legs. And I wouldn't particularly be worried about putting a £1-2k Clio/106 into the heather on it's roof compared to an RS or M car :p
Booked it in for some new tyres, new Hankook Ventus Prime 2 all round. Factory fitted tyre, found them to give good grip wet and dry and wear well so no qualms about buying them again.

Done 75'000km on the first set, fronts on 2.5-3mm and the rears on 2-2.5mm so had money's worth from them, gets rainy and stormy in spring. No need to run them right down to the limiter blocks.
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