What have you done to your car today?

Lol, fixed. :D


I'll buy a new lower bumper and new arch liner after the winter. :p
So yeah, I went from Falken summers to Falken winters so should be a fair enough comparison. Drove it in 3 degrees and wet, so typical winter conditions. No difference at all that I can tell, it'll still break 'em loose easy enough.
I'm all for a bodge on a cheap motor but wtf is that? Come on!

That, is some holes, and some cable ties. Some to hold the arch liner up, some to pull is straight (I didnt have a single one which was long enough) and one through an existing hole to hold the lower bumper to the slam because I didn't have a spare screw. :D

It is actually all pulled tight and it is rigid. Can't see it under there anyway... :p

Thats nothing, my rear lights are held in with gaffer tape!


(Just kidding, the gaffer tape is there to hold bits of boot trim together as the silicon sets) :p

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So yeah, I went from Falken summers to Falken winters so should be a fair enough comparison. Drove it in 3 degrees and wet, so typical winter conditions. No difference at all that I can tell, it'll still break 'em loose easy enough.

You are doing it wrong. What you need to do now is continually tell the internet how your summers are 'all over the place' in the cold and how winters are definitely not only really useful in the snow and ice.

Don't forget to use the 7c threshold over and over again.
XBMC? Sounds intriguing, any further details on it? Pics?

It's actually a very good system, and retains the oem setup, though you do need to have factory 16:9 nav and TV tuner. I can't remember if your new M3 had that but if so let me know and I'll forward you some pics and a video of it in action.
The left side of my rear bumper is held on with a single small self tapping screw :S

I didnt do it. Cars clearly had a tap up the arse at some point. Had the car 2 years and its still on though :D
How did you manage all that damage?

The bumper had that chunk missing when I got it, the arch liner is supposed to be held to the bumper with 4 screws, but because the bit of bumper where the hole should be was missing, I fixed it to the bumper with the other three. Anyway, I assume the air got up between the arch liner and the bumper, and one of the arch liner clips/screws snapped when I was driving home on the M23 and the wind bent the arch liner down at the front and the road wore a couple of inches off of it before I could stop and tape it up so I could drive home. :p

The lights aren't really gaffer taped in, I was kidding, and the adhesive holding the boot trim together came apart of its own accord, so I'm sticking it back together. :p
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Dropped it off to the detailer this afternoon. Will be carless until Friday. Guy said "When you come back to collect it, bring sunglasses, it will be that good" - I like the man already :cool:

Turns out he knows my mate's dad too!

It's actually a very good system, and retains the oem setup, though you do need to have factory 16:9 nav and TV tuner. I can't remember if your new M3 had that but if so let me know and I'll forward you some pics and a video of it in action.

I don't have factory nav but do (will this week hopefully!) have an alternative unit running Android. I suppose as it's Android the options are near limitless though. Something to look into once I've updated to support Android Auto :)
I think I'd probably have wanted to wait until Spring before paying out for a detail, at least you get more than 30 minutes of OMG OMG OMG WOWZOR before it first gets dirty :D
[TW]Fox;27476306 said:
I think I'd probably have wanted to wait until Spring before paying out for a detail, at least you get more than 30 minutes of OMG OMG OMG WOWZOR before it first gets dirty :D

But think about the beading!
I might spray my car with some rainwater in a few weeks.

I don't really see the point of doing much more in the winter. Especially when I have to drive dirty B roads quite a lot.
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Hit a kerb?

On other news, I realised yesterday my old trolley jack wasn't low profile enough to get out from under the front of the 5 series when swapping from 19's to 18's. In all fairness, it was the same story with the 335d too.

Anyway, just got round to finally ordering a new low profile trolley jack from SGS Engineering. Looks great quality. That should do the trick. Alas, I borrowed my neighbours one yesterday anyway, otherwise my car and jack weren't going anywhere.
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