What have you done to your car today?

That's the thing though, they can't deal with anything other than absutely level ground - even then I wouldn't trust it. A trolley jack is fine so long as you don't try and use it on silly surfaces or with the wheels pointing the way the ground runs

I've dropped cars off the BMW foldy outy style jacks on more than one occasion (wheels still on mainly). Emergency use only for me!
Quite sure, done it a few times. I distinctly remember being an hour late to a DWYB day after rushing a handbrake fix on retardo-jack then spending ages trying to lift the car back up off the floor. You don't mind so much when it's a crap old drift beater, not sure I'd be so amused if it was an expensive M3.
Maybe you are just bad at using them? :p


If you're rushing or trying to cut corners you'll have problems so can't say I'm surprised really. If you're sensible then they are perfectly fine jacks to use, obviously you then stick it on stands if you're at home and/or use a trolley jack to get it higher properly.
Got under it and stuck the prybar into a few dirty holes...

Front propshaft is FUBAR, new one is £345 quid :eek:

I'll be rebuilding that one this week then!!
Jacked it up a mile off the floor ready to pull the box off in the week. Going to have a crack at opening it up and replacing the FUBAR input shaft bearing, ordered a new one today. Never got into a gearbox before, looks a bit daunting but hey the noise in 4th is really something so either this fixes it or it was junk anyway.
While it's up, I'll drop the prop out and replace it with a proper turbo one as it's still running the NA shaft. Diff will come out too, that's going to have the Nismo 12kg.f clutch overhaul kit put in and sent away to be re shimmed, my previous shed LSD installation has about 27 miles of backlash and it slightly clunks :p
Serviced it - oil came out dark and very thin so some fresh fluid should do it some good.

Also flushed the coolant, it was last done by a garage when they changed some hoses after it started leaking from a bottom hose and hasn't been touched since. I don't even think the garage put any coolant in the car, it came out and was completely clear! Hopefully the added coolant should do it some good.
First oil top up. Low oil light came on for the first time yesterday almost 11months/9800miles since new. Considering my old car would need topping up every 3 months it seems pretty good.
You need to actually check your oil... you didn't check it for 10,000 miles?!?!

Also, mine used about a quarter of the dipstick in the first 6000 miles (first service) from owning brand new
Noticed I had a choice of two English language on my settings menu, "English MLS" and "English KM". Promptly switched to KM and now my trip meter and odometer are in KM, and the fuel econ has changed to L/100km. The speedo is an analogue gauge so can't completely switch that unfortunately.
You need to actually check your oil... you didn't check it for 10,000 miles?!?!

Also, mine used about a quarter of the dipstick in the first 6000 miles (first service) from owning brand new
I would have checked it once I hit 10,000 but I didn't quite get there :p
Does anyone know of a proper way of testing a MAF sensor? I've got symptoms which correlate to what I've read online as a MAF going bad, but I don't want to start throwing parts at the car until I'm sure I know what I'm dealing with.

In a nutshell, when I'm accelerating hard in my E46 and let off the accelerator a little, the car feels like it perks up for a split second almost as if it was was on a rubber band being released.

Forums are split between either a MAF going bad, and/or vacuum leaks - but I've checked the hoses (and actually replaced them not long ago with new BMW ones).
You can measure the airflow (but obviously need to know what looks right) and I believe there is also a voltage reading you can do from mafs but this would be even more difficult I imagine

Take it you have no codes?
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