What have you done to your car today?

On Sunday I had my driver's seat out to replace the upright bracket that mounts between the seat frame and the floor-mounted sliders. This was because there's a known issue with the hole for the pivot bracket - which operates the seat base tilting - wearing larger with use over time, causing the seat to rock up and down due to how the pivot arm is bolted to the bracket. Various people have tried all sorts of remedies with washers and plumbing compression fittings and whatnot, but the cure is to replace the brackets with new ones which have a re-designed stronger bushing.

Seat coming out:




The bracket is the piece shown below, through which all of the colour-coded fasteners are mounted. The offending bolt is the rear-most green highlighted one. The others are all fine, strangely.


You can see the state of the hole in the new vs old bracket below, and the passenger side (I did this a couple of weeks ago, no photos because it's a sod of a job and I was too busy swearing) was even worse!


The worst part of the job was removing the rivets, possibly because my drill and/or drill bits weren't man enough - they only hold on two flimsy metal braces that go across the seat to hold one of the motors and the controller module. I don't know why they didn't just bolt them in the first place - ease of assembly, I presume. So I used some M6x10mm allen headed bolts with nyloc nuts when re-assembling it all. The rest of it was surprisingly easy, although getting it in and out of the car is a faff due to the weight of it.

The seats now feel much more stable.[/QUOTE]

When you disconnect seats you usually get errors when you reconnect them, such as airbag warning errors flashing up on the dashboard.

Did you get these errors?

I want to remove the front two seats to hoover crumbs between the seats and gearbox centre console - but can't be arsed if it'll throw warning codes.
It is, yes. A 320D EfficientDynamics hence the 16" wheels.

Ah good. Normally the operators just type in whatever they can find because they think it's all the same/they're plain lazy and don't care.

Did they weight the car before doing it also?
I didn't see for myself but I did ask and apparently so. So here's hoping it's all good. I'll find out if there's any noticeable difference on the drive home from work.
When you disconnect seats you usually get errors when you reconnect them, such as airbag warning errors flashing up on the dashboard.

Did you get these errors?

I want to remove the front two seats to hoover crumbs between the seats and gearbox centre console - but can't be arsed if it'll throw warning codes.

Nope. Nothing. I didn't even disconnect the battery, cos that's how I roll. I should imagine it'll complain if I turn the ignition on or start the engine, but if you don't then you'll probably be fine.

Mind you removing the seats completely just to vacuum under them is a bit OTT - at most just unbolt them and tilt the seat back without disconnecting them.
As per the show us motors thread...I drove it....


Numbers are recorded when engine is running...

Despite the MPG read out, I wasn't kind to the car, could do with an oil change now I think...maybe later this week.
Nope. Nothing. I didn't even disconnect the battery, cos that's how I roll. I should imagine it'll complain if I turn the ignition on or start the engine, but if you don't then you'll probably be fine.

Mind you removing the seats completely just to vacuum under them is a bit OTT - at most just unbolt them and tilt the seat back without disconnecting them.

I've never had a warning from unplugging the seats or battery, not saying its not possible but the only time I've got a warning is when ive forgotten to plug the seats back in
New front suspension arms
Full service
New plugs

All noises from driver side front gone :D
Apparantly one of the suspension arm ball joints was just flapping about

Drives so much better and feels like its pulling better too :)
proibably just me imagining it tho haha
About to go to get my brake discs skimmed. A few months ago I had a really annoying problem where I'd get some juddering under braking, but only at higher speeds. I changed discs and pads all round 3 months ago and it fixed the issue, but now it's back. The car doesn't pull to one side under braking and the steering wheel doesn't vibrate either.

I've had my suspension all checked over and that's fine. Just had wheel alignment and balancing checked out so that's all good now but the problem is still there. I'm convinced that if I changed front discs and pads again it'd be fine but I'm not going to buy new discs for the problem to potentially come back 3 months down the line so I'm just going to try a skim first. The discs are only 3 months and 10k miles old (mostly motorway so my brakes get little use really) so they aren't very worn at all.

Be interesting to see how long it fixes it for this time. But if/when it does come back, I have absolutely no idea what to look into.
It's most likely coming happening due to crap discs, crap pads or both.

It will be pad deposits transferring to the disc unevenly.

Do you drive around on your brakes all the time as this can cause it. Like coming to a stop on a motorway in traffic or slip road and then sitting on the brakes like 80% of drivers seem to love.
I did think about the calipers but there was no brake imbalance noted on my MOT last week and I get no pulling to one side while braking so I don't know. If it comes back after the skim I'll definitely get them checked out.

The car had BMW OEM discs/pads on before. I bought the car on 58k and took it up to 125k on those discs and pads. They still looked like they had plenty of life in them but I only changed them in the hope of it sorting out the judder which it did. I've got Brembo discs and pads on there now.

I like to think I'm quite good with the brakes. I anticipate what's happening ahead so I'll just come off the accelerator to ease up to a junction/queue/etc instead of hammering the brakes. When I'm at lights or in traffic I'll always put the handbrake on instead of sitting on the brakes and the vast majority of my journeys are 50+ miles so I'm almost always on motorways and not using the brakes much.
An E90 BMW 320d. I've found quite a few people with the same problem from googling. Some say their lower control arms were knackered and changing those sorted it, but mine are fine. Most of the people with the issue haven't really said anything conclusive so I'm at a bit of a loss :)

Changed the fuel filter today as the car had a check injection message, someone suggested changing it. Not made a difference at all. However my OBD2 reader arrived so plugged it in and I've got 3 fault codes.

P2263 Turbocharger Boost Performance
P0235 Turbocharger Boost Pressure Sensor A Circuit
P0409 EGR Sensor A Circuit

Does this mean the EGR and Boost Pressure Sensor are faulty? I've unplugged the EGR and now don't have a fault code but low on performance still.
The Octavia has developed a.....weird issue.

On long left hand bends and only when at highish speed (say 50/60+) and completely off throttle the ESP kicks in for no good reason. Not always accompanied by the dash notification but can definitely feel it doing its thing and braking one wheel.

No VCDS faults logged but I still sort of suspect a wheel speed sensor or reluctor ring so need to measure speed readings at all 4 corners. Outside of that I'm pretty lost as it stands unless it's wiring
I'll try and check all the angle sensors over the weekend along with wheel speed, but it seems weird that anything causing the system enough confusion to kick in a bit (its not dangerous or extreme, but it clearly thinks there's slip) hasn't triggered at least a pending code

Anything related to traction control/abs tends to disable the whole system and light the dash up like a Christmas tree rather than let you drive with it malfunctioning - but then I guess it thinks it's doing the right thing
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