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What if the 3000 series is over hyped?

8 Jun 2018
Yeah you're right, im sceptical of everything being flirted around at the minute. i honestly dont know what to believe.
Ah didn't realise an offical video existed. Thanks

The gist is:
Ampere is looking to be hot and power hungry. There is possibly a thermal throttling issue preventing higher OC's...we will see.
2080ti Owners complained about the "reveal" and posted their own video showing that the performance gap for the 3080 isn't as large as it's claimed.
Asus release theri TUF Brand for the 3080. Which is their lower brands. Which is very surprising as that's how Nvidia tried to rebrand AMD GPUs back during the GPP fiasco.
And most important: not enough vram.

As it stands now I would suggest to anyone looking to upgrade to wait for reviews and wait to see what RTG brings to the table with RDNA 2.
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8 Nov 2006
What? Lol did you watch the video? It's the first thing he mentions, how do you think he got hold of a card in the first place, shafting Nvidias ass lol.

Wow some people are so naive and believe everything they say it's actually unreal.

What was so definitive about the keynote? There wasn't a FPS graph in there whatsoever lol.

Sounds like you didn't. Please find a quote where he says they were paid or sponsored.

Perhaps fact check such claims before making them.

Only thing he states is that they had to follow Nvidia's review methodology.
22 Nov 2018
pre-ordering a product with little knowledge of it's actual performance other than manufacturer claims.

Surely that's what reviews are for? Surely only an idiot would spend hundreds of pounds without seeing a review?

I wouldn't even spend £50 on an electrinic device without reading a review.

This distance selling regulation is excellent for buying cloths etc because you cant possibly know without trying them on. But a GPU? This law encourages people to behave like impatient spoilt children in my opinion.
17 Mar 2017
Sounds like you didn't. Please find a quote where he says they were paid.

Perhaps fact check such claims before making them.
Surely that's what reviews are for? Surely only an idiot would spend hundreds of pounds without seeing a review?

I wouldn't even spend £50 on an electrinic device without reading a review.

This distance selling regulation is excellent for buying cloths etc because you cant possibly know without trying them on. But a GPU? This law encourages people to behave like impatient spoilt children in my opinion.

That's what you would call a fanboy imo, nothing else matters.
17 Mar 2017
Haha. I own 2 x 5700 XT cards.

You are just deluded and now don't want to admit you lied about DF.

I deal with evidence. You make stuff up and speculate.

Lied about what? The DF video? It's well documented by other real reviewers what their tactics are all about.

It's not rocket science to work out he's been fed every bit of info from Nvidia and to say exactly what they say after all why do you really think there was no FPS numbers from the Nvidia keynote or from the DF video other than them trying to hide it lol and not making a good job of it? It doesn't take a scientist to work that out.

See for yourself when it's released what it's all about.
8 Nov 2006
Lied about what? The DF video? It's well documented by other real reviewers what their tactics are all about.

It's not rocket science to work out he's been fed every bit of info from Nvidia and to say exactly what they say after all why do you really think there was no FPS numbers from the Nvidia keynote or from the DF video other than them trying to hide it lol and not making a good job of it? It doesn't take a scientist to work that out.

See for yourself when it's released what it's all about.

So all made up speculation.

How about you report them to youtube with your story. It's a serious offence to not openly declare a sponsorship or payment. Especially in the UK.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Sounds like you didn't. Please find a quote where he says they were paid or sponsored.

Perhaps fact check such claims before making them.

Only thing he states is that they had to follow Nvidia's review methodology.

They were invited by Nvidia marketing to test under Nvidia conditions,with games Nvidia tested,and scenes Nvidia allowed to be tested. DR over on Hexus(owner of Hexus,Bittech and Custom PC) went into detail once,on how many companies offer hospitality like that - flights,hotels,etc were all paid for,and he made sure that they were decline all of it and pay for it out of their pocket. Because he said if not they are somewhat depedent on the PR machinery of the said companies,and this guy owns three of the oldest UK computer tech orientated websites/magazines still around.

This has been done by AMD,Intel and Nvidia for over 10 years. I wouldn't trust anything out of such previews,as they always are a best case scenario,going from the last decade of companies doing it.

Always best,to wait for review days,and look at performance over older and newer games,and AMD/Nvidia/agnostic games.
8 Nov 2006

There were no flights or hospitality. They were in their own offices. Nvidia simply sent them the card along with instructions on what they could share.

Why are we trying to so hard to try and make DF look like Nvidia shills?

I want @Adrian1976 to back up his unfounded accusations.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth

There were no flights or hospitality. They were in their own offices.

Why are we trying to so hard to try and make DF look like Nvidia shills?

Why are you so desparate to not wait for reviews?? What you believe their Xbox stuff,when MS flew them over to their HQ,and not wait for reviews??

I would believe what DR said over someone like you who seemingly think company sponsored previews mean reviews are pointless. This is a guy who has been 20+ years in the UK tech industry,and who was even a mod over on OcUK forms back in the day. He went on how companies would often sweeteners for early access and other stuff. He literally said no to all of it. Plus if Nvidia was so confident,they could have gone to AT in the US,and also had exclusivity and some of the guys over on AT,have PhDs.

Would you believe Intel if they did a preview like that?? AMD??

It shows how much the marketing effect has had on you. Its worked so well,you don't are fighting people who literally said wait for reviews,and accusing of them being bad.


Literally you said Nvidia controlled conditions. So if AMD made a Big Navi preview and also controlled conditions,we should all buy on what their marketing allowed??

Goodness grief. This is Apple level.
8 Nov 2006

So you are taking someone else's words about hospitality events (unrelated to this) to determine that DF's feature created in their own offices are biased.

When did I say people shouldn't wait for reviews? Are you gonna believe DF's review? Surely you've now built the (unfounded) argument that they've been given backhanders this entire time.

DF have not deliberately manipulated the video, nor are they lying about what they say or are showing. They also have not been paid for this video as otherwise they would declare it like in their other videos.

@Adrian1976 lied about DF sayign they were paid. Then built up some speculation about them being paid. Now you are building a tenuous link to hospitality arrangements for events as justification for saying they were paid.

Literally you said Nvidia controlled conditions. So if AMD made a Big Navi preview and also controlled conditions,we should all buy on what their marketing allowed??

Goodness grief. This is Apple level.

So that makes it okay to lie and say DF were paid by nvidia?
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9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth

So you are taking someone else's words about hospitality events (unrelated to this) to determine that DF's feature created in their own offices are biased.

When did I say people shouldn't wait for reviews? Are you gonna believe DF's review? Surely you've now built the argument that they've been given backhanders this entire time.

He literally pointed out what companies are doing for decades.

Its something I heard other reviewers say,when I had some communications with. Companies do early reviews to bring hype to their products,so I ignore ALL of those events as being marketing controlled events.

AMD and Intel have done exactly the same before,and I couldn't give two craps about it. Unless you actually think the figures AMD,Intel and Nvidia have in their review guides are believable.

You are literally telling anybody who says to wait for reviews,to trust DF's Nvidia controlled preview 100% and if you don't you are bad,and attacking poor DF. Anybody who makes a decision on one review is being too trusting.

Its why you need to read lots of reviews,and come to a rough conclusion to where things stand.

The rest is marketing trying to get more first day orders in.

One more thing - I make sure I check the official review guides.

I look for reviews which have games outside the review guides,because review guide games are the best performing games for that company.

AMD and Nvidia have tried this for over 15 years,so I don't trust any of their events to have true performance unless its confirmed by many reviews.

So that makes it okay to lie and say DF were paid by nvidia?

Its marketing contolled which is the problem. So its dependent on how honest the marketing department is. Now if Nvidia released those numbers would you believe them more than say if DF was asked to run the same test sequences they ran,at the same settings?

I won't read into those figures until we start to see confirmation when reviews are out.

If they are true great,if not true great. At least we know where we stand.
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8 Jun 2018
DF has been known to shill for nvidia for a long time now. It's not something that has to be explained, over and over again. If you choose to not believe it that's your prerogative however arguing with somoene to "prove it to you" comes off like some sort of scripted bot.
8 Nov 2006
DF has been known to shill for nvidia for a long time now. It's not something that has to be explained, over and over again. If you choose to not believe it that's your proagative however arguing with somoene to "prove it to you" comes of like some sort of scripted bot.

Lol. Why don't you report them because they would be breaking the law in the UK if they don't declare sponsorship as it becomes an advert.
8 Nov 2006
How do you know they weren't? ;)

You make it sound like it's a long standing thing. They appear to still be around.

All I see is some internet poster who just sees something they don't like and immediately calls the poster a shill.

All of the big youtube reviewers have had to deal with people like you making stuff up.
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