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What if the 3000 series is over hyped?

If it's over hyped ultimately makes little difference.

You either buy it or you don't for the perf per pound that it offers/individual wants/needs
I asked why would nvidia lie about performance vs the 2080ti when they would get found out in 2 weeks time and that was your response.
You then came out with this masterstroke which is essentially the same thing.

What are they lying about? They said twice the performance? In what? At What? At RT & DLSS? In specifically designed proprietary bench marks?

It's so vague that they can spin it however they want. The graphs were vague and nonsensical.

When you compare pure rasterization, no RT and DLSS, I'd put serious money down that the 3070 will not offer twice the performance, or anywhere near it. And with 8GB of RAM you may find the 3070 hamstrung in a year or two at higher resolutions with modern titles.

I cannot believe people are still buying into any of this hype without proper reviews and benchmarks, and my mind is utterly blown that people actually believe NVIDIA aren't capable of deception.

Why would they make out the cards are so much better? So you sell your cards now, so you pre-order. They don't care about the last gen, especially distributor stock if it's bought and paid for. They care about maximising launch day sales, they care about happy shareholders. They want you so hyped for these cards you forget AMD has its own product line coming.

That's why they'll embargo unbiased reviews and concrete performance numbers for as long as possible. That's why they've banned tear downs as part of it.
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What are they lying about? They said twice the performance? In what? At What? At RT & DLSS? In specifically designed proprietary bench marks?

It's so vague that they can spin it however they want. The graphs were vague and nonsensical.

When you compare pure rasterization, no RT and DLSS, I'd put serious money down that the 3070 will not offer twice the performance, or anywhere near it. And with 8GB of RAM you may find the 3070 hamstrung in a year or two at higher resolutions with modern titles.

I cannot believe people are still buying into any of this hype without proper reviews and benchmarks, and my mind is utterly blown that people actually believe NVIDIA aren't capable of deception.

Why would they make out the cards are so much better? So you sell your cards now, so you pre-order. They don't care about the last gen now, especially distributor stock if it's bought and paid for.

The "1.9 performance/watt" number is now the first to be debunked. In an interview today Nvidia let slip that this number was measured and only applies in one very specific rayvtracing scenario and is not representative of normal raster work load.

So that's just one of Nvidias marketing tricks that has had its rose tints removed - there will be more to come
What are they lying about? They said twice the performance? In what? At What? At RT & DLSS? In specifically designed proprietary bench marks?

It's so vague that they can spin it however they want. The graphs were vague and nonsensical.

When you compare pure rasterization, no RT and DLSS, I'd put serious money down that the 3070 will not offer twice the performance, or anywhere near it. And with 8GB of RAM you may find the 3070 hamstrung in a year or two at higher resolutions with modern titles.

I cannot believe people are still buying into any of this hype without proper reviews and benchmarks, and my mind is utterly blown that people actually believe NVIDIA aren't capable of deception.

Obviously, without reviews nobody knows the true performance. I was just asking the question as an alternative point of view. Look at the damage it has done to the 2080ti and all that may have been for nothing as the 2080ti could still come out quite strong when reviews leak.
The whole thing is crazy unless of course the reviews confirm that the 3070 does compete with the 2080ti for raster but I dont think it will be clear-cut.

If the reviews come out and the performance isnt there then this will all blow up in their face. Is it proof they are feeling the pressure? as this level of marketing mess is usually reserved for AMD.
Obviously, without reviews nobody knows the true performance. I was just asking the question as an alternative point of view. Look at the damage it has done to the 2080ti and all that may have been for nothing as the 2080ti could still come out quite strong when reviews leak.

Why would they care about the 2080ti? At all. It's end of life, and they've got a brand new product line ready to go.

They want people laser focused on the new gen, ready to part with their cash and pre-order. And judging by the thirst in a forum full of experienced tech enthusiasts, I'd say it's working :D

Don't forget sales were underwhelming for the 20 series. The reason they're toting the 3070 and comparing it to the 2080ti, is because it's half the launch price, and targets people like me with a 1080 / 1080ti who didn't buy into the last gen.

Ultimately they're focusing on RayTracing, DLSS and all their other new AI technologies. That's what the discussion from NV will be. That and the performance of their Halo products, which will undoubtedly be good, at wallet-wincing prices.
The "1.9 performance/watt" number is now the first to be debunked. In an interview today Nvidia let slip that this number was measured and only applies in one very specific rayvtracing scenario and is not representative of normal raster work load.

So that's just one of Nvidias marketing tricks that has had its rose tints removed - there will be more to come

I knew this from I've been reading already, the fact that the presentation showed no for comparisons with normal games whatsoever tells you they are hiding ****.

And the fact Jensen said at some point to the 2080 owners it's now safe to upgrade tells you a story in itself how all they give a crap about is their shareholders.

Can't wait for the 17th I'm intrigued to see benchmarks probably blow up in their face lol
Why would they care about the 2080ti? At all. It's end of life, and they've got a brand new product line ready to go.

They want people laser focused on the new gen, ready to part with their cash and pre-order. And judging by the thirst in a forum full of experienced tech enthusiasts, I'd say it's working :D

Ultimately they're focusing on RayTracing, DLSS and all their other new AI technologies. That's what the discussion from NV will be.
It's not always as straight forward as that if they have got rid of all stock then fine nobody cares about last gen.
Normally the previous flagship with a (small)price discount still has a place for a couple of months at least until all stock is gone(I'm not referring to used gpus as they don't matter). The 2080ti was "on paper" wiped out after one reveal video.

Now we look to the review to see if this holds true or not. If the nvidia slides completely misrepresented the 3070 performance then it follows up to the 3080 and 3090.
The whole thing is crazy and could all fall apart when the review's release.

I'm actually excited for the reviews to see what way it plays out.
I'm still sceptical, the performance leap would have to be astronomical for an **80 series card to beat the previous-gens **80ti card by 70-80% on average without the use of RT or DLSS.

It's possible yes and they've had the time to do it but I'm still waiting to see some proper comparisons. My expectation is that the 3080 will be around 40-50% better than the 2080ti on average, in normal situations.
I keep thinking about picking up a 2080ti for the crazy cheap prices they're going for now.

When you consider for less than £500 your be able to grab yourself a brand new card with a warranty and newer technology, all of a sudden an £500 2nd hand 2080ti's doesn't seam like such a terribly good deal.

Prices should technically drop below £500, but less knowledgeable people keep bidding everything up and paying over the odds lol. :rolleyes:
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It's not always as straight forward as that if they have got rid of all stock then fine nobody cares about last gen.
Normally the previous flagship with a (small)price discount still has a place for a couple of months at least until all stock is gone(I'm not referring to used gpus as they don't matter). The 2080ti was "on paper" wiped out after one reveal video.

Now we look to the review to see if this holds true or not. If the nvidia slides completely misrepresented the 3070 performance then it follows up to the 3080 and 3090.
The whole thing is crazy and could all fall apart when the review's release.

I'm actually excited for the reviews to see what way it plays out.

After the car crash issues they had with overstocking for the mining craze, do you really think they launched with a bunch of personal or bonded stock? Unless we know their commitments or stock levels it's pure conjecture. Kind of makes the point moot mate. They're deceitful and anti-competition, not stupid.

Besides, judging how much people are paying for second hand ones, and the astonishing margin they were making on 2080tis, I'm sure they'll shift them at a discounted rate.

I do see your point though, they did throw the 2080ti to the wolves. Though I don't think it's going to end up anywhere near as cut and dry as that.

I'm sure there's credence to the double performance claims, but it will come with heavy caveats, mainly with RTX and DLSS enabled, bumping the performance numbers considerably.

This would technically mean the numbers are true, just typically deceptive.
I keep thinking about picking up a 2080ti for the crazy cheap prices they're going for now.

Do we really trust Nvidia with the quoted performance figures?

What if the 3070 falls significantly short of the 2080ti?

I'm just wondering If I should hedge my bets and pick up a 2080 while they're cheap.

I know nobody 100% knows the answer this is just a discussion post. :)

everything in tech is overhyped. its up to you, give them your money buy their tech and enjoy it until its out dated..... or keep staring at the wall and day dream.
I think the DF video was pretty definitive.

I don't think they would deliberately mislead. The implications in that video was clear.

Exactly, I mean it's not like Nvidia paid for them to do the video. Oh wait...

Well, Nvidia might have paid for it but they didn't chose the games or settings to test at. Oh wait...

Yeah ok, but Nvidia didn't make DF test against 20 series cards that were bandwidth limited at 4k to show an exaggerated leap in performance. Oh wait...

Exactly, I mean it's not like Nvidia paid for them to do the video. Oh wait...

Well, Nvidia might have paid for it but they didn't chose the games or settings to test at. Oh wait...

Yeah ok, but Nvidia didn't make DF test against 20 series cards that were bandwidth limited at 4k to show an exaggerated leap in performance. Oh wait...


It's not sponsored content. So you fall at the first hurdle.

If people want to go through the next 2 weeks in ignorance then that is up to them. The specs line with the performance gains, nvidia have reiterated the performance level several times already.

Nvidia lying like that is a serious matter as misleading investors results in lawsuits.

Contrast that with the Navi thread where people are making wild claims out of thin air and AMD have said nothing.
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