and who the hell are you to decide how people should think?
You sound like a dictator and not even a good one at that.
stupid is because. Religion shouldn't be whipped out and it has nothing to do with people thinking he meant "kill all religious people". Removing religion is stupid and wont solve even one problem.
Pointless activities? again why should you decide what is pointless?
Many religions do look at world issues from charity to morality and everything inbetween.
Perhaps you should open you mind and go study a religion. Just so you can understand it.
Its strange how religion always revokes such a massive reaction in every human, weather they follow one or not, responses always seem to be very emotionally based, and perhaps a spin off of evolution.
All my responses have been those of facts and what issues face this world we live in, its not for me to decide obviously, I cant change anyone's opinion, its just so very obvious that religion, even the subject matter always causes friction between people, even in this thread.
People are entitled to opinions, but I just wish more opinions were based on what's observable, i.e. things that could only effect us, as there the only ones that are real.
Of course also people get morality mixed up with religion, removing religion would not remove kind acts, of course it wouldn't remove every unkind act.
But in a perfect world, if everyone sat down and thought about it properly, would see there is no need to be unkind to anyone, which has nothing to do with religion, but all to often than not the worlds most memorable tragedies have been down to religion and racist behaviour.
I guess im putting on the table ideals that would benefit the human race to follow, its just as ever, the thread context is aimed at religious thought.
My mind is always open Acidhell2, iv studied the major religions in this world to great detail, read all major religious texts, and conversed with many religious people to there various chosen or born into faiths, iv really actually done this though and am probably one of very few people on this forum to do so.
My conclusion was reached, that religion and god believing is not real in this world, its just a result of human behaviour, probably something to do with the way our brains are wired, if there wired that way then fine, but it doesn't make it any more real at all.
Open for discussion, but I wont sit here if people start ranting without logical thought.
There has never been any proof of anything to do with religion, because I cant prove that only adds to the argument that it doesn't exist, how can you prove an imaginary friend ? Another example, It always makes me smile when people say 'evolution is gods way of issuing upgrades' or similarly daft statements, funny its not mentioned in any religious texts. Simply put, evolution is an observation of something that happens before our very eyes, and has never been disproved, and is constantly being proven, and ill say again, we have observed it happening and have a vast wealth of evidence for it.
This is then taken on board by religious people to be something its not, and then gets skewed around to religious purposes, continually adapting obsolete material is not a way to go, basically.
Anyways randomly wondered off topic slightly, and this post will no doubt provoke a negative response, just dont go off on one and actually think about things, an emotional response to what one holds dear is one thing, what actually goes on in the world is something that effects us all.