I think the majority of it comes down to ignorance (from both sides of the argument). The usual arguments that I see banded about are:
- Over priced, out-of-date tech
- Not enough customisation
- Limited software
- No gaming
- Fashion accessory
- All Mac users are self-satisfied *****
- It just works
- Design and build quality >*
- OS X >*
- Can only do Graphic Design on a Mac
- Fashion accessory
How any of the above can turn into genocidal warfare is a bit beyond me but I think a lot of it could be resolved with some education and rational thought.
Yes, you can get higher-spec hardware for the same money.
Tech-specs aren't the be-all and end-all of computer ownership for some people.
Yes, there are some things which Apple make it difficult to tinker with in OSX and iOS.
You clearly aren't the target market if you want to play with registry strings to eek out the last drop of performance.
It's true, some software isn't available on a Mac and sometimes the OSX version is worse than the Windows version.
The majority of every-day tasks can be done just as well on either platform. There is also some OSX software that is better than it's PC counter-part.
No, you can't easily play the latest releases on a Mac
While Apple are making headway in the games department, if you're a hardcore gamer then a Mac probably isn't for you.
Some people might by a Mac to fit in with the crowd but not all.
Some people have weighed-up the pros and cons of everything that's on offer and have
chosen a Mac.
Yes, there are some fanboys but you get that with most things.
The majority of users wouldn't wash their Macbook in a pool of their own blood if Steve Jobs asked them to.
Yes, most of the time Apple products work well together.
They should, they don't have to account for an infinite number of hardware and software combinations.
Yes, it's obvious that a lot of the money you pay goes into the design and build of their products.
Being pretty isn't the be-all and end-all of computer ownership.
Yes, OSX was superior to Windows Vista
Windows 7 is a huge leap forward and there are even free Linux distros that are starting to catch up in terms of interface design.
While Macs may have been industry standard for designers 20 years ago, it's a complete fallacy to suggest that you can only do design work on a Mac.
The computer you use does not make you a better designer.
Some people might by a Mac to fit in with the crowd but not all.
Some people have weighed-up the pros and cons of everything that's on offer and have
chosen a PC.
I used to custom-build PCs but now I prefer to buy off-the-shelf and I like the way Mac does things. That's my choice and these are my opinions.