What is the creepiest thing to have ever happened to you?

My dad died in 1999 of a heart attack when I was 19. 10 years prior he suffered his first heart attack and was medically retired from the MOD.

He was born in 1931, so was a kid during the war, for full reasons unknown to me he was raised by his gran. For 40 years he kept a daily diary, we have them all to this day in air proof containers.

My sister and I started reading his diaries, eventually, we stumbled across an entry about 3 weeks before his first heart attack in 1989, he wrote that he had a weird dream, he dreamt that he's gran had approached him and stated "No, not ready for you yet" - low and behold he had a heart attack and survived.

You can guess where this is going, in the weeks before he died, another entry reporting another wearied dream, this time his gran was ready for him - and he died this time aged 67.
An ornament smashed itself downstairs while I was alone at my mum's. Sure there's a logical explanation though.
Brilliant thread have read from start to finish over last couple of days.

Nothing major to add and probably just been my imagination with the exception of the last one:

When I was around 4 or 5 I was in my Brothers room playing Virtua Fighter on the Sega Saturn - Was around 8 or 9pm defonitley night time door left slightly open - Brother was out and parents were in living room.

For some reason I was in the main menu of the game I looked over to the door it moved slightly - I went back to game looked back at the door and the strangest looking figure which I still remember vividly to this day was staring at me with its head peeking round the door I did not feel scared or upset or anything I just sat there staring - It then went away and I went back to my game I did not know how to feel and I never mentioned it until a few weeks later - Probably my imagination being so young.

When I was a teen I watched Paranormal activity for the first time on my own - Parents both in bed - First part of film where there is a loud bang - Moments later hug bang from the bathroom - I go investigate some things had fallen of a shelf into the bath - Later on during the film DVD player cuts out - I turn film back on cuts out again at same part of film guess what happened a 3rd time? Yip cuts out again. - I put this down to coincidence but still a little freaked out.

Had an Ex staying over regularly when I was probably around 19 or 20 - We were chatting in bed at night when the room suddenly got really cold - Like wow that's quite a drop for a summers night cold - We both notice this and she starts getting a little freaked out me being me start taking the pee a bit about it and make light of it - Later shadows appear randomly which I did see but put it down to something outside - I then look at my Ex and she is frozen I ask whats wrong and she says an old lady is staring at her from the corner of my room pointing at here tears in her eyes as she is telling me this - I did not see this by the time I looked over but the corner looked black as night 0 I tell her she is getting herself wound up - Now almost an hour later after we warmed ourselfs up etc etc were lying talking again and my cupboard door opens and the chill returns even I start thinking WTF - I got up closed door and felt like I was being watched by something unhappy and got back into bed - Cupboard door opens up again faster and my clothes start being 'tossed' not falling TOSSED from my top part of the cupboard to the middle of the floor - We were both freaking out witnessing this and from that night I did start to believe there may be more to this world than meets the eye and I am glad someone was there witnessing it as well.
Saw three people in my bedroom during my sleep. Seemed real, but I've put it down to a waking dream as I don't believe in ghosts or any of that crap.

Had this before, one night I was having this dream that this demon in black, or black cloaked alien or something was standing over me, trying to do whatever, drain my life probably, I half woke up but it was all still going on, for some reason I was shouting "the power of Christ compels you" over and over again and as I woke up more and more and regained proper consciousness I was still shouting, in the end I sat up in bed and shouted it one more time to which I was suddenly wide awake and the room was clear again. My missus thought I was nuts!

It felt very real and if it wasn't for hearing that its actually sleep paralysis I would still argue that it actually happened and would have become religious haha.
Was driving down a small light road, looked in the mirror and the lights were turning off behind us - there were no cars behind or infront (it was late at night). One after another, but fast enough to keep up the pace with the car

Then all the lights behind and in front of us turned off - pitch black without the car lights.

Then I turned right.

1-0 to me ghoulies.

So I am regularly the last one to bed at night, on Sunday evening I went through my routine for bed (turning off lights downstairs/making sure all downstairs doors are locked) and I went to bed, I got to the top of the stairs (and bedroom 3 is the room my youngest sleeps in) however he went to sleep in our room on this night and his door was shut firmly (no open windows or drafts, and the door doesn't have a habit of opening on its own) all the other doors were slightly open as my eldest was asleep in bedroom 2 and my girlfriend and youngest was in bedroom 1. After coming out of the bathroom and going to get my son to put into his bed his bedroom door was now ajar....

Our landing floorboards are very creaky and any movement would have been heard, I was very freaked out by this and hurried him into his room and ran into my room to dive under the duvet and go to sleep.

Erm........so this is probably a "it was wind" kind of deal, but reading this thread and having it on 75PP I saw my post above at the top of the page, and what would you know the same damn thing happened again, except this time my eldest was at a sleepover, my girlfriend was out with her friend and my youngest was in bedroom number 3 and it was bedroom door number 2 this time.

Now door number 2 is very sticky and takes a shove to open, and was pulled shut there was also no wind that night, so when I went to the toilet later I noticed the bedroom door was open, I thought nothing of it when I walked past it wasn't until I was in the bathroom that I realised that door was shut, it wouldn't be my youngest as he is on a bed with ladders and he is never quiet getting off it, I then came out the bathroom and just pulled it shut again and ran downstairs.

Maybe there's a demon that likes to mess with doors.
Don't really have any ghost kinda stories, i used to have creepy dreams/thoughts as i was falling asleep that either everything around me got a lot bigger or i got a lot smaller but it always felt so really, used to scare the crap out of me :P

The biggest creepy thing to ever happen in my life is my Nan used to collect owl statues/ceramics/porcelains basically any owl ornaments, they were every where in her hour. One day I went in her loft to get something or soft a trip switch idk. Anyone i went up there and there was just rows of them. Simply horrifying. And it's sods law that somehow the boxes and boxes ended up in my parents possession once she passed away. Thankfully they were quickly removed from our house, no idea where they went tho.
1: Used to work at a place that used to be a small airfield many decades before, during WWII. We had a drinks machine down a narrow aisle that was just wide enough to fit one person down it, with shelves on both sides & wall behind one of those shelves.

Regularly when running one of the machines either myself or other bloke that worked on one of two machines in that area would call out "Grab us a drink whilst you're getting one please" because we'd seen in peripheral vision someone go down the aisle, only to realise when he (or myself) answered back "I'll have one too thanks" thinking we were just dropping hints that no one was near the machine.

First couple times thought was just mistaken, but this used to happen on a regular basis, that we'd think we saw someone go down the aisle, only for no one to be anywhere near the place.

2: Every week for around two years I've been at a local charity shop. Same days, same hours, same routine. Usually along side same routine of buying enough food to last for a couple of days before I'm back at the shop. Rinse & repeat.

Well, Saturday rolls along & I turn pc off & set off to the shop, when the drunk from flat above cycles down the street towards me, smiles, gives a thumbs up & says "Alright mate?". Was weird, as I've ignored him for years, but whatever.

Half way to the shops I realise streets are quite empty, but think "Ah, dinner time & everyone's indoors". Closer to shops when I turn onto the main street shops are on & the place is dead, could see perhaps four people, place is normally packed as it's the only street with all the shops on. Then I notice the nearest (of far too many) charity shop is closed, also the cafe next to it. Odd, I then glance across the road only to see most of the shops there closed too. Extremely confused, thought "No way I'm late, especially not late enough for shops to have closed" (I'm rarely ever late, usually far too early everywhere).

Pulling out the phone to check the time. Yep, I'm on tim....wtf!? It's Sunday?

I just stood staring at the phone & then around me. I was kind of freaked out a little, I'd lost an entire day. I'd not been out drinking, don't do drugs etc.
Even walked towards the shop, but could already see it was closed, as was nearly everything else in the area.
Confused, went to superstore, grabbed some soup & slowly headed back to the flat, trying to work out wth was going on.

I'd checked phone, no missed calls/texts (manager & assistant manager of shop regularly contacted me) so I got it onto my head I'd been in day before (the real Saturday, not my Saturday) & blanked it. Following Tuesday, got into shop & before said a word another volunteer, looking concerned, asked "Were you alright, we didn't see you Saturday?", so guess I hadn't been in & forgotten (which didn't really believe had happened). Couple days later manager said she was concerned I hadn't appeared, but didn't want to call in case she thought I thought she was pestering me (nothing new there :rolleyes:;)).

This was over a year ago that I lost an entire 24 hours & to this day, I've still absolutely no idea wth happened. Never happened before, nor since.
Sleep paralysis. There was a Nazi officer stood next to the bed, and I remember doing everything in my power to wake my wife up so she'd wake me up properly and snap me out of it. He was standing there, and I had my eyes wide open. I knew what was happening, and was almost powerless to do anything about it, which panicked me. I managed to wake my wife up by quietly whispering her name on my breath for what felt like a couple of minutes. Was really weird, but at the same time was also really cool.
The creepiest thing to me is reading all these stories...

I'm just wondering which one of you will run towards me with a baseball bat thinking i am some sort of ghost or demon or so in the street...
Done by me or to me? ;)

And is it a crime if you enjoyed it?

Anyway, I had one when I was about 13. I was sat cross legged on the floor concentrating on doing something and my dog pushed/rubbed across my back as he would do sometimes do when he wanted attention. I turned around to pat him - nothing there. Called him and and after a moment in he trots from another room. I was somewhat perplexed!
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