What is the creepiest thing to have ever happened to you?

The next thing I remember was the feeling of being very very cold (this was the middle of summer) and a sense of only what could be described as utter dread and sheer terror. I had the absolute feeling of something or someone being in the room with me.

I saw some kind of apparition, about chest height basically 'hovering' at the end of my bed.

I had something similar in my early 20's. Woke up in the early hours and just had a feeling of dread and terror. It also felt like there was something on my chest as i struggled to breathe and i couldn't move anything except my eyes. When my eyes had adjusted to the dark, i saw something like this on top of me:


Never happened before, never happened since, but years later a friend mentioned sleep paralysis. At the time my mum was dying from cancer, so i put the experience down to the emotional and fragile state i was in.

But, i will never forget the feeling of hopelessness, terror and paralysis i experienced that night :(
This has happend to me a handfull of times. I put it down to my brain being semi active and my body not.

Your brain is always active it never shuts off or as you say semi active its always on full power processing information . If it did become semi active you would be in a coma.

Am trying to find the jumper pins to overclock mine but cannot find the connections. I will just go with what I have for now. :p
I'm not sure whether I should watch that or not :(

It's an interesting channel, I watch most of them :p

I've had similar experiences, pretty sure it's just a period between being asleep and awake, mind playing tricks on you.

I mean just the other evening I woke up and was adamant something was in the room and i didn't want to move :p I put it down to watching too much paranormal stuff and eating cheese before bed
I had something similar in my early 20's. Woke up in the early hours and just had a feeling of dread and terror. It also felt like there was something on my chest as i struggled to breathe and i couldn't move anything except my eyes. When my eyes had adjusted to the dark, i saw something like this on top of me:


Never happened before, never happened since, but years later a friend mentioned sleep paralysis. At the time my mum was dying from cancer, so i put the experience down to the emotional and fragile state i was in.

But, i will never forget the feeling of hopelessness, terror and paralysis i experienced that night :(

I had that exact same experience.

Couldn't move, could only open eyes.
I could have sworn there was a blueish thing hovering over my face which was stopping me from moving.
Funny thing was, the week leading up to this I had some trouble sleeping well, would wake up feeling exhausted every day, struggled to work properly. Then this event happened.
The blue thing noticed I was awake and could see it and it promptly left via the open window....
After that, I was sleeping fine again.

I actually believe, it was some sort of super natural creature, that feeds on our sleep.
My wife thinks I am mad, but it's the only explanation.
Never been one to believe in ghosts or the paranormal but I have the following strange happenings ....

Firstly - a good few years ago a friend called me out of the blue early one Sunday morning (which is odd as he never surfaced until lunchtime) after not hearing from him for maybe 2 years and asked how I was etc. We chatted for 10 minutes or so and he ended saying “well take care of yourself” which sounded a little strange like I wasn’t going to see him again or something. Anyhow later that same afternoon, another friend of us both who lived close by came knocking on the door asking “have you heard”, I replied “about what” and explained that the first friend had died an hour ago in a motorbike accident!

Secondly and again a long time ago, I was at my work alone and an old guy who used to pop in now and again appeared from nowhere and kept the conversation brief and said to my face “make the most of your life because it goes so fast”. I then turned to answer a very brief phone call and when I turned around he’d gone, nowhere to be seen and couldn’t have got away so quickly as he could only walk extremely slow. An hour or so later, I was still alone, and I heard the voice of my mums dead friend calling me name over and over from behind a partition wall. I went around and there was no one there so went back into the office and the voice started again, saying my name and adding “look after your mum, she’s going to need you”. A couple of weeks later my mum was diagnosed with a brain tumour and has since died following a long battle.

Very spooky
Please excuse the long post, I didn't want to leave out any of the detail.

The only person I've ever told about this was my brother many moons a go. It happened on a cold night some thirty years a go now.

I was on the last train out of Liverpool Street Station in London, heading out east on the Central line one cold Friday night back in the mid 80s and fell asleep on it. I woke up completely frozen, in complete darkness, on a stationary train and with no one on the train but me. I looked out the window and saw I was in the middle of nowhere - no station, no houses and no lights at all. The only thing I could make out was the slight purple-ish hue coming from the snow that had fallen a couple of days earlier on either side of the train. Great I thought, the sods didn't even check the carriages properly when it packed up! I didn't bother checking out the doors between the carriages and went straight to the main sliding doors on my side of the carriage. I eventually prized them open and jumped down on to the snow. After a short trudge up an embankment I came upon a low fence and then a road with the occasional light down it - I checked my watch and it was coming up to 2am. A bit further on the road joined the A104 that ran through Epping Forest. I turned left and set off down it into the darkness once more (it's an A road but wasn't lit around there), keeping close to the snow on the right. I'd thumb a lift when a car came along and get back to Stratford where I lived at the time, some five or six miles away, and that would be that I thought.

I'd guess I'd gone about half a mile or so down the road when I became aware of the faint sound of a single set of hooves off in the distance to my right. I carried on walking and the sound from the hooves carried on coming towards me at a trot. As the sound came closer I remember thinking that if it's a horse (it sounded about the right sort of gait and weight to the hooves), that it was odd that it hadn't had to change direction at all to skirt around any of the trees, which I knew were densely packed in the forest at this point. My pace started to increase. The sound from the hooves kept coming towards me, getting louder but still at a trot, to the point where it was about 30 meters from me where they changed direction to the one I was heading and kept this exact same distance from me while I trotted. I increased my pace again to a run as I thought that this is just damn weird now - shouldn't I be hearing the crunch from the snow or something!? I felt myself drawing over to the left hand side of the road as I ran. I was thinking I'd soon see this thing off however even in a jacket, suit and work shoes though as I'd been running 400m for an athletics club at a decent enough level right up until I'd come down to London a few years earlier. And anyway the adrenaline had started to kick in now too...

At some point further along the road, with this thing still trotting along on my right, I became aware that I was now running at full tilt and it certainly felt faster than any 400 metes I'd ever run in the past (can you run faster than you've ever run before while in completely unsuitable clothing due to the biggest ever adrenaline rush you've ever had - I've not looked it up to this day to be honest). This continued on for some distance and I eventually saw a dim light coming into my blurred view in the distance. All the while this thing's stride, direction and weight of hoof never changed. The dim light turned into more lights and I eventually made out an all night garage through my streaming eyes. I got there and rammed the door with a crash and sent the guy who was asleep at the till flying off his stool. He jumping to his feet and backing off a little asked me if I was alright - I guess I must have looked pretty hellish at that point. I couldn't speak at all initially and after a long shaking fumble through my pockets and much rasping and hacking for breath I managed to buy a few cans of coke and downed them one after another. It was a while longer before I was able to ask him to ring a cab for me and longer still before I realized that my shirt and suit were stuck to me. I finally managed to take my jacket off to try and cool off a bit and found that I'd ripped the upper legs and backside out of my suit trousers. I later found that my new-ish shoes looked like they'd been through a car crusher. My house keys had also managed to make a hole through one of my pant's pockets and I was lucky to still have them.

A short while after I thought back on it all. It wasn't so much that this thing had seemingly kept perfect pace with me and at the same exact trot all the time or even that it felt that it was within an inch of keeping the same distance from me too that got me completely worked up. It was the fact that I hadn't heard it breathe, snort or make any other noises at all and that I hadn't heard the crunch of snow at all or a single twig or branch snap either. Apart from me hurling myself down the road and the sound of it's hooves there were no other sounds at all - nothing. The only part in all this I don't remember was the point at which it actually stopped shadowing me close to the garage.

A couple of weeks later curiosity got the better of me and I drove to the garage and on down the road. My memory was bang on, there was no way that anything could have run in a straight line through all the densely packed trees, foliage and shrubs in the forest at all without making a complete racket and wrecking itself in the process. As best as I could judge it I'd sprinted for over 600 yards and ran another decent paced 600 prior to that.

I don't know what happened that night. Some beers and a lack of food is what my brother passed it off as and I reluctantly nodded in agreement at the time. I knew both then and now though that this wasn't it at all. I was used to drink and there had been plenty of times I'd drank a lot more on an semi empty stomach both before and after this, without the slightest issue.

I had never felt abject fear before or after that night and I'll ever forget it.
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This is more of a strange story with a heart-warming ending, rather than creepy (IMO). I was a community health care worker for seven years, which involved visiting the homes of vulnerable adults and assiting with their daily lives. During this time I met many people, but one in particular stands out above the rest. His name was David. He was 72 years old and had suffered a severe stroke. Although he lived with his wife, she still worked and therefore I'd visit in order make him his breakfast and lunch and to basically keep him company throughout the day.

I was Davids first and primary careworker. Prior to his stroke he'd led an active lifestyle and had never had to rely upon others for help. For some people, that could be grounds to play the martyr or to complain, but he never did. In the five years that I spent as his carer, we built a great friendship. We both shared a love of film, cars, golf and travel, so would spend large amounts of time discussing those subjects. He was an avid golf fan and in the past he'd travelled extensivley around the USA and played some of the best courses in the country. He often expressed hope to take one last trip to America, but he knew that it was highly unlikley given the severity of his condition. Regardless though, he never gave up on his dream; "I'm going to sort out a trip to Pebble Beach, son. I just need to get some strength back in my legs first."

In 2011 I decided to embark upon a career change. I visited David for the last time and told him of my plans. He wished me luck and gifted me one of his favourite putters as a leaving present. I said I'd keep in touch, but as is so often the case, life got in the way and we drifted out of contact. Moving on several years, in 2017 I went through a bad break up. I lost my home and many of the things I'd worked so very hard to aquire. In short, I was in a bad place. One night, after a particularly heated argument with my ex, I decided to go out for a drive to clear my head. I drove around aimlessly, mulling things over and generally feeling sorry for myself. Eventually I found myself on the outskirts of a village that I hadn't visited in years. Either through fate or subconcious choice, that village was where David lived. I considered paying him a visit but decided against it because of the time. Instead, I parked up in a layby. I remember feeling so angry and upset that it was difficult for me to even comprehend how to fix things. Totally out of character for me, I lifted my head up to the sky and said out loud "If there's anyone, anyone at all up there looking down on me right now, please give me some idea of what to do with my life because I'm utterly lost."

I returned to an empty house. Stuck some food in the microwave and settled in for a night of crap movies and cheap wine. Then the house phone rang. Fully expecting it to be my ex, I grabbed the receiver and bluntly answered "Yes?!". "Hello, who's that?" the person replied. At first I didn't recognise the voice, but then it dawned on me; it was Davids wife. We were both utterly shocked. She didn't have the number for my new house and had dialled it by mistake after trying to contact someone else. As we talked she told me that David died the year before. He'd suffered another major stroke and it was too much for his body to cope with. However, just before he passed away, he got his last trip to America. He played golf and he loved every minute of it. Just as he'd always hoped he would.

Now, I don't know what if any supernatural forces were at work that evening, but what I do know is that I was given a message. I like to think that that message was - No matter what, never give up hope. Just like my old friend David.
Coming across a recently occurred RTA 10 or more years back, a car had hit a tree at speed, one clearly dead person in the road, another apparently dead in the drivers seat, the steering wheel embedded in his face / upper torso to a shocking degree, neither occupant wearing seat belts, the Ford Mondeo they were in was barely recognisable.

Went back to my truck to call the emergency services, got back out to find the “dead” person in the road sat upright and asking for water.

Long story short, he soon rolled over and was pronounced dead when the ambulance crews arrived, I tried to explain what had happened and they didn’t believe me, his back was broken and had bled out considerably over the road (which I could only see once their lights illuminated the scene) and he “couldn’t possibly have survived being ejected from the car” injuries just way too severe.

Freaked me out for months after that, still have the odd very bad dream about it to this day, no doubt about it in my mind he very much was alive, albeit briefly.
Something that was not at all creepy but a little odd.

About 10 years ago I had a Sunday morning paper round. One summer morning near the end of my round I looked and saw a twin engined passenger aircraft. We live under one of the flight paths aircraft sometimes use when making a landing at East Midlands Airport. It was low enough to see the orange painted engine nacelles and the windows on the fuselage. Trailing the aircraft as however was what I can best describe as a silver metallic coloured blob. it was about the size of one of the horizontal stabilisers on the aircraft and about 1/3 of the fuselage length behind it. I watched it for about 2 minutes and it never moved relative to the the aircraft, just kept following it, including through a turn as the aircraft started to line itself up for final approach. At this point i though it might be worth trying to get a photograph using my my phone and I looked away for about 3 seconds. When I looked back it had vanished, to be honest thinking about i don't think the camera on my phone would have been much good and trying to get an image of whatever it was. I had no idea where it went, the sky was clear apart from a little high altitude cloud, but I couldn't see it anywhere.
I’ve had ‘sleep paralysis’ on and off since I was a teenager. It’s just a bad dream...close to sleep walking maybe but without moving, if that makes sense! ie using the sounds/visuals of wherever you fall asleep n the dream
I used to have a sleep during the day when I had a driving job, one day I could feel the sleep paralysis was going to happen so left my phone on the dash recording....can see in the video when it starts and I’m trying to speak but just making a noise with my mouth open, unable to move my tongue, then eyes start flickering a bit, then head starts moving side to side slightly. Then eventually banging my head off the seat and manage to wake myself up....eyes open wide and rolling up. Looks like something from the exorcist. Even though I recognise when it’s happening it still scares the **** out of me.
This is more of a strange story with a heart-warming ending, rather than creepy (IMO). I was a community health care worker for seven years, which involved visiting the homes of vulnerable adults and assiting with their daily lives. During this time I met many people, but one in particular stands out above the rest. His name was David. He was 72 years old and had suffered a severe stroke. Although he lived with his wife, she still worked and therefore I'd visit in order make him his breakfast and lunch and to basically keep him company throughout the day.

I was Davids first and primary careworker. Prior to his stroke he'd led an active lifestyle and had never had to rely upon others for help. For some people, that could be grounds to play the martyr or to complain, but he never did. In the five years that I spent as his carer, we built a great friendship. We both shared a love of film, cars, golf and travel, so would spend large amounts of time discussing those subjects. He was an avid golf fan and in the past he'd travelled extensivley around the USA and played some of the best courses in the country. He often expressed hope to take one last trip to America, but he knew that it was highly unlikley given the severity of his condition. Regardless though, he never gave up on his dream; "I'm going to sort out a trip to Pebble Beach, son. I just need to get some strength back in my legs first."

In 2011 I decided to embark upon a career change. I visited David for the last time and told him of my plans. He wished me luck and gifted me one of his favourite putters as a leaving present. I said I'd keep in touch, but as is so often the case, life got in the way and we drifted out of contact. Moving on several years, in 2017 I went through a bad break up. I lost my home and many of the things I'd worked so very hard to aquire. In short, I was in a bad place. One night, after a particularly heated argument with my ex, I decided to go out for a drive to clear my head. I drove around aimlessly, mulling things over and generally feeling sorry for myself. Eventually I found myself on the outskirts of a village that I hadn't visited in years. Either through fate or subconcious choice, that village was where David lived. I considered paying him a visit but decided against it because of the time. Instead, I parked up in a layby. I remember feeling so angry and upset that it was difficult for me to even comprehend how to fix things. Totally out of character for me, I lifted my head up to the sky and said out loud "If there's anyone, anyone at all up there looking down on me right now, please give me some idea of what to do with my life because I'm utterly lost."

I returned to an empty house. Stuck some food in the microwave and settled in for a night of crap movies and cheap wine. Then the house phone rang. Fully expecting it to be my ex, I grabbed the receiver and bluntly answered "Yes?!". "Hello, who's that?" the person replied. At first I didn't recognise the voice, but then it dawned on me; it was Davids wife. We were both utterly shocked. She didn't have the number for my new house and had dialled it by mistake after trying to contact someone else. As we talked she told me that David died the year before. He'd suffered another major stroke and it was too much for his body to cope with. However, just before he passed away, he got his last trip to America. He played golf and he loved every minute of it. Just as he'd always hoped he would.

Now, I don't know what if any supernatural forces were at work that evening, but what I do know is that I was given a message. I like to think that that message was - No matter what, never give up hope. Just like my old friend David.

What a marvelous story.
It's quite interesting this thread has arisen again recently, I remember posting on this thread about a certain event that occurred for me a few years back. I was going to post this the other night but was too fixed with reading some of the pages... some very freaky stuff indeed!

Something else on a related note that cropped up very recently was in relation to a maisonette flat that I rented with an ex GF a few years ago but back then the strange ongoing's were completely unexplained given the fact that the estate we lived on wasn't that old at all & built in the 60's. In all the time I lived with her there which was for roughly four years, she always maintained the property was haunted in all the time she had been there (strange noises & bangs on the walls throughout the night) but I didn't really believe in all that as such... until the strange happenings started. However, now again at night the hallway floor used to give off light thumps as if someone was walking up & down it - or fast thumps as if someone was running up and down the hallway. This was the first occurrence I encountered on / off for the first three or so years of living there but didn't think much of it - I even joked to her about it and originally maintained it must have been down to the lady downstairs walking around in her ground floor flat really late at night but my ex convinced me one day to test the theory by having me in bed and her in the hallway walking up & down / running... and she was right, in the sense that it exactly replicated what I used to hear some nights! :eek: Another thing that instantly stood out was when my ex pointed out one morning when doing her makeup in her mirror, for a split second she saw a reflection of what can only be described as a figure of an elderly man in the mirror who was sat behind & watching her - however as soon as she turned around the figure was gone.

Going forward from her occurrence which stuck in my mind a little, a few days later I experienced something else one night when sleeping & I was awoken by the sound of what I can only describe as someone opening & closing the wooden living door at a very fast pace - complete with the creaking that is audible when turning the door handle. This went on for about 10 seconds after I instantly woke up before then stopping... took me a good hour or so to fall asleep again after that. I even got up to check the living room to see if any of the cats we owned had been closed in the living room by accident before bedtime & were headbutting the door to get out, but all of them were as per usual sleeping or siting near the stairs like they usually do every night. Also the door when closed does not give off the same sound effects.

The last thing that occurred for me when living there and just before I moved out when me & said ex broke up, and speaking of the cats in particular - one weekend afternoon the ex was out shopping with her Mum when all of a sudden when I was alone watching the TV, out of no I heard a loud cat meow / moan. I instantly jumped up to have a look around the flat and non of the cats were in, all of them were in the back garden laying on the grass... very bizarre, also no other unknown cats were in the flat either as we had one of those magnetic cat flaps which prevents them from entering. Something I always remembered with the cats in particular was that on a frequent basis they would stare / look up and down / side to the side at the walls in the living room or hallway at a fast pace as if something was there & moving around but nothing ever was present.

Since moving out I always kept in regular contact with one of the old next door neighbours who still live there today. A couple of months ago they invited me round for a few beers one night and we got talking / reminiscing over old times and then the conversation delved into our old flat and the like. They revealed they also have had some strange on-goings in their flat and have done for all the years they've lived there, to the effect very similar occurrences to mine and they then dropped a bit of a bombshell they found out from the new resident of our old flat which kind of explained some of the strange things I experienced. It turned out many years ago, back in the 80's - a past tenant of our old flat was a bit of a wrong 'un and was always in / out of prison. However it only came to light to the current tenant when they delved into the loft one day (believe it or not, me or my ex never delved up there at all when we lived there!) & found a really old looking suitcase that was caked up in dust / cobwebs. Upon opening it they were greeted with many old LP records which wasn't too out of the ordinary, however it also contained personal belongings & letters which were addressed to a particular individual. Quite intrigued by this finding, the new tenant decided to do some investigating elsewhere in attempt to get the suitcase reunited with it's owner...

Sometime later the new tenant apparently located someone else in the area who supposedly knew the person years ago that suitcase belonged to, and yep... the suitcase belonged to this individual who was always in & out of prison. However they were unable to reunite the suitcase to the individual because the guy committed suicide while in prison for one final long haul :eek:

There is another person I know who is a relative of my ex that also lives on the outskirts of the same estate that has also experienced many more alarming strange things with their house... and revealed some creepy things about this estate in general - but I'll leave that for another time!

As a whole, out of all the places I've lived over the years - this was the only one up until now where I've encountered what you could call creepy.

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