What PC games are you playing?

Just finished Saints Row IV. Was actually quite a fun game and the storyline was hilarious. Really enjoyed that from start to finish, though some of the abilities were unnecessary and not really required.

Can't wait to see what V brings with it.
GW2 a bit excessively, it's like my old WoW days :D

2 toons up to level 30 each, loving the graphics/environments.
After playing Titanfall for the past few weeks I went back to BF4. Played one game and went back to Titanfall.

Did find an old copy of Starcraft I intend to play on my laptop during the week though. Right after I've finished Red Alert 2 for the umpteenth time :)
Been playing Arkham Origins last few days and got through the main story today (not sure if I'm going to go for the side missions yet), thought the game was a bit lack luster - maybe I;m just burnt out after the previous two instalments but I didnt enjoy origins as much as the previous two
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