What PC games are you playing?

War Thunder - just finished reading a book about the Dambusters and enjoying precision bombing enemy bases in my less-than-shiny unlocked Wellington bomber. Just the fun of chocks-away and tally-ho chaps! Shoot down some jerries and home for tea, biscuits and medals! I would love for real-based missions in the game.
Thought I would fire up Bulletstorm for one last playthrough before it's lost to the sands of time due to GfWL. It's a whole lot prettier than I remembered and still a lot of fun. It'll be a shame to see it go.
Thought I would fire up Bulletstorm for one last playthrough before it's lost to the sands of time due to GfWL. It's a whole lot prettier than I remembered and still a lot of fun. It'll be a shame to see it go.

So, does that mean we have to purchase certain titles again?

Shadow of Chernobyl + Shaders Max mod.
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So, does that mean we have to purchase certain titles again?

I'm not sure about your example but Bulletstorm isn't being patched and that requires you to log in to GfWL from the very start. There is no option to play offline. So it will be borked from 1st July.
I'm not sure about your example but Bulletstorm isn't being patched and that requires you to log in to GfWL from the very start. There is no option to play offline. So it will be borked from 1st July.

Will be a shame that - excellent fun and one of the few titles i really enjoyed playing in 3d on

Don't Quote me but after GFWL has gone i think you can play it but it won't save your game as it won't find a profile, so every time you restart the game its from the beginning
Don't Quote me but after GFWL has gone i think you can play it but it won't save your game as it won't find a profile, so every time you restart the game its from the beginning

Hmm, I'm not sure about the specifics. When I tried it last night, it wouldn't bring up any menu screen until I'd logged into GfWL. But I didn't try it disconnected from the Internet to see if it let you create a local profile. Maybe that's a way round it?
Gave Witcher 1 an hour or two of my time, but the combat system is utterly awful. How do people play, or enjoy combat like that? :confused: Clunky doesn't even come close.

I'll think I will do what most seem to do with this series and jump straight to the second game.
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